Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Just posted a long rant post on illnr.

One of the best. rant. posts. evar.
I feel so free and relieved.
K, not really, I still have so much to do.
Hey, my POC post is incomplete and overdue.
Oh well.

I love my mom♥

Title self-explanatory.

Monday, June 27, 2011


For my mother, I will stay up all night and ace this test.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

You're not sorry.

God, I'm pmsing so bad.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Who am I?

I don't know anything.
I don't even know who I am to anyone, including myself.
I probably should take my own advice but.
It's hard.
I shall die presently.

I've felt so hateful today.
Felt like slapping your face and ripping your hair out and disfiguring you.
That's a really horrid thought, and it embarrasses me to even want to hate you.
{Yes, for no reason.}

I am a horrid girl, there's no denial.
I am simply detestable.

My problem is, I have no trouble at all talking bad about others and feeling a feeling of great dislike for them but the guilt always comes.
It always comes.

Don't feel bad for yourself.

Have no regrets.
Feel that whatever you are doing is right.
Have confidence.
Don't worry about whatever action you took/(are about to)take.
Because it's a reflection of who you are.
And you are perfect.
(You get it, right.)
Be in control of yourself.
If you make any blunders, it's ok.
You're not perfect.
Keep that in mind.
Keep your face up, your head high, and your heart open to embrace a new day, which brings new challenges, new decisions, new hopes.
It's ok.
Problems are only temporary.
Don't solve them with permanent solutions.
They don't last forever- for a long time maybe, but not for eternity.
Never for eternity.
If they laugh, if they jest, if they mock.
Think "Shut up, you think you're so wonderful yourselves?"
Cuss, if it makes you feel better.
(Slap them mentally every time they say something stupid!)
{Thanks, Enya.}
But they don't deserve your time and brain-space.
Who cares if they disagree with your way of doing things, your train of thoughts, you.
They can just ____ for all you care.
Because it's about you.
You are in control.
Of your problems, of life.
Even if you don't think you are, you are.
Think about it.
You can always organise everything.
Make Life a to-do list.
Cross out everything to feel accomplished.
Do it without bothering about what all the others say.
They don't know anything.
You do.
At least you're trying to do something.
At least you're working.
Are they?
So don't regard their comments, their presences, even.
You are giving solutions.
You tried.
Did they?
They have no reason to complain, then.
They don't even want to help themselves first.
But you do.
You try.
You can do this.
I believe in you.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What he said.

*slap your bitchy face*

Ahhhhh so childish of me.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

And so I ask myself.

Is it worth it?
Why feel for something/someone who will never cherish you as much as you do to them?
Is it worth it?
Are you worth it?

Sunday, June 12, 2011

See that sunlight.

What a hectic weekend.
I cannot believe how much I had hurt myself.
It was great fun, but I am tired now.
So, very tired.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

She was so wonderful and different from anyone else.

I have no idea why I posted/am posting yet another blog post on A Little Princess.
But I think I am simply in awe with it; how it still manages to capture my mind and spirit amazed me.
I am actually looking forward to every single event that is about to happen in it, even though I probably know most of them almost by heart.
Why is it that I cannot have a copy of it of my own?

'If we are here I suppose we must be resigned.'

It's beautiful how A Little Princess is still able to make me feel so much even though I had read it thrice before.
Such pretty, perfect English.
And yet the simplicity of the language still appeals so very much to me.
As I have said before, this is why I write.
This is why, at times, I love to write.
The ability of a writer to paint such a beautiful picture, like as if a little screenplay is showing in one's mind, with such exuberance is just very simply charming.
It is probably the innocence of it all, perhaps.
I do not know, but yes.
It is such a pretty little book.
Such a pity that it cannot be called mine.

She was mistaken, however, in thinking she was an ugly child. She was not in the least like Isobel Grange, who had been the beauty of the regiment, but she had an odd charm of her own. She was a slim, supple creature, rather tall for her age, and had an intense, attractive little face. Her hair was heavy and quite black and only curled at the tips; her eyes were greenish grey, it is true, but they were big, wonderful eyes with long, black lashes, and though she herself did not like the colour of them, many other people did. Still she was very firm in her belief that she was an ugly little girl, and was not at all elated by Miss Minchin's flattery.

Think I'm addicted to your light.

Lazy, lazy week.
What happened to slogging?
Must up my game.
I feel guilty because then I'll be going for the family gathering this Saturday for nothing.
It's like cheating.
Getting something for nothing.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


I don't like you much.
And not for any definite, rockhard reason.
It's just..so.
Unexplainable dislike, I suppose.
There's really no good-enough justification to not like you.
Maybe I'm just jealous?
Oh well.
Sorry, really.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

I know it's time that I learnt to.

I need to catch up on my reading, amidst other things.
Yes, that means reread A Little Princess for the 4th/5th? time with frequent visits to la bibliothèque.
I found a really charming blog of book reviews.
Yeah, was just googling The Still Point.
It is my 2nd favourite book!

Ah, what a lazy Sunday afternoon.
{The slogging starts tomorrow.}

Keep on dancing till the world ends.

Day 1 of June holidays was really quite nice!
Cousins came over for a swim and I became a kid again.
{We kidnapped one from the Mermaid Club.}
In a moment of childishness, I jumped into the pool and had my left knee crash onto the pool floor.
I didn't pay much attention to the pain (was having too much fun then), but I now see a huge bruise forming!
Oh well.
Then we watched Avatar again.
And I was still captivated by it, despite having watched it twice before.
It's a nice movie.
Too bad Anis was not there to enjoy all that.
{NPCC camp.}
She's back now, though, bleh.
I should plan my holiday schedule..