Saturday, April 20, 2013

hold me, love me

Oh my god I feel terrible.
This is also not full-scale sick.
It's just that bad sore throat that foretells a really bad cold.
No but I wanted to fall sick today so I wouldn't have to go for a seminar which not only I didn't sign up for, but took away my chances of going for SC Family Day.
(I tried my hardest to fall sick last Friday night; took a cold shower and slept with AC on 23 degrees and before you ask, yes I was that desperate.)
Thank you Anis for getting a cold Thursday and having sick germs I could borrow.
You see, if I couldn't go for Family Day, I'm not going to let that seminar get the satisfaction of seeing me going for something I don't want to go for aka doing something against my will.
So I created the third option that is to be ill and I think it's safe to say my mission was/is a complete success because here's my MC.
I am amazing.
And also in the process of potentially falling real ill, but that's another story altogether.
I guess.

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