Tuesday, March 8, 2016

saw your face, heard your name

Hello everyone, once again.
It's been a couple of busy weeks & I doubt this will let up anytime soon.
I'm just writing a quick one to put it out there that 1) I am so blessed and 2) God loves me so much.

It's a wondrous thing to ask for strength, peace, vitality, drive, patience, gentleness when you're in a state of frenzied helplessness, and then have your prayers answered.
God knows I'm up to my head in tasks and to-dos, and He blesses me with the nicest, sweetest things.
❀ the best lunch date with my lovely cousin Husna
❀ long phone calls with the best friend
❀ the many canvassing opportunities
❀ the easy(?) mid-term paper today
❀ the cancelled morning lecture tomorrow
❀ the running i got done
❀ the frustrating assignment i finally finished
❀ ?????

There's a lot more, so much more, but I'm feeling sleepy and content and lowkey optimistic for the rest of the week.

Happy International Women's Day to all the lovely ladies out there - we're strong and powerful and magnificent and it's a glorious thing to celebrate every day.

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