Tuesday, September 20, 2011

how to love

Today I am surprisingly happy.
Well, I suppose you can say that.

I went to Northpoint just now to return a library book.
My journey back was quite amusing.

Heheh I really like Nicki Minaj and Lil Wayne.
They're my favourite rappers.
No surprise then, that I like Knockout and Go Hard, right?
And Beyonce is one of the best singers so.
Can't blame me for liking her remix of Sweet Dreams with Nicki Minaj and Lil Wayne, right?
Hahah oh my how random.

Gotta finish up Math and French.
Then I'll do SS.

Monday, September 19, 2011


Please don't ask why I am so 'emo' 'cause it just so happened.
What I feel, I try to give it reason and rational.
I think through it before I say it, usually, most of the time.

Bloody hell this one wasn't supposed to be emo.
But what else can I do right?
I mean, it's amusing!
That person is 'out of my life' but still giving me problems!

Immatured, yes, that's a given, but I wasn't the one abandonning people..

Anyway, Coco, dearest pet, you've given me inspiration today for my oral.
I love you.
And thanks for playing catch with me when I got home.
You're the best pet ever!


I did that because you deserved it.
My decision was made because it was already so obvious that there was a huge lack of time, no?
My decision is final.
But it is because of that?
Not at all.
It's because you turned out to be what I thought you'd never be.
What kind of a person are you?
I don't know, ask yourself.
What kind of a person are you?

Saturday, September 17, 2011

What I'd do to have you near

This morning, I woke up and realised I've dreamt of my dead grandfather again.
It was heart-breaking when it ended, and I guess the reason's obvious.
He came to our house for a visit, and I hugged him so tightly, not knowing why I missed him so much, since technically in the dream he wasn't dead.
Then it was over and.
And urgh.
Why did he have to die?

I went to Husna's house today to study and it was such a productive session.
I want a study camp at her house next week.
Yes, that means I want a sleepover.

Friday, September 16, 2011

waiting for tuition to start.

You, my dear, are out of my life.
Yes, that's it.
I am over you.
I am over you.
I can't be more glad because lately, you've just been a reallly unhealthy sickness in my life, so.
So long and goodbye.
I hope you have treasured and remembered what we have gone through though.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

When you're gone.

Ah, holidays are over and.
And I am not satisfied with myself.
Siiigh goodness me.
This past holiday was sooo.

Why do I even bother with you because you so obviously don't care.
I feel like a fool again because it's me, me, me and it will always be.
SO stupid.
I still am trying to find myself and my place in this world.
Man, my train of thought is just so very different.
I wish you would bother.
I wish you would care.
I wish you would just be as different as I always think you would be.
Because yes, most definitely, you are the person I trust the most outside family, even if, I don't know, we are not really that close.
So dumb, right?
Because I am just making myself vulnerable that way.
And you so obviously do not feel the same way.
Because I am just another person, right?
That's too bad because you are NOT just another person to me.
That really sucks.
Why and how come I always care most about people who do not care about me?
It is so freaking unfair.
And I feel so messed up.
Talk to me soon please, I feel so insecure.

Right, end of incoherent balderdash.
Goodnight gonna sleep now.
Am SUCH a freak.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Will someone kill me please!

I said it a little too early.
(I've been saying a LOT of things too early, in hindsight.)
This morning at 5am, I was awakened by really bad cramps.
It hurt so damn much, and it was horrible.
I almost couldn't go back to sleep.
I had it all the way until 11am.
It ebbed away because I took the pink Panadol pill.
But a few minutes ago it came back!
So annoyed!
It feels like something is inside me and mushing up my organs and stuff.
I hope the pill will work soon, 'cause I just took one more.

I don't see the point of telling anyone this story.
God, I need a life.

Anyway, I read Of Mice and Men today.
It was a lovely, thought-provoking novel.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

On another note.

Flag Day today was amusing!
I guess I observed all the different kinds of people there are.
And I experimented with different techniques of asking.
And I found out there are 4 common excuses:
-I have donated.
-I will donate later.
-I have no small change.
-I am in a rush.
Oh yeah, last and most irritating of them all.
The *shows sticker* action.
Not cool!
I think some of them are 'buying' it like a pass.
So sad.
My mom once said, "blessed is he who gives from his right hand, with the left hand forgetting"
(not quoted)
It praises those who have already done something out of charity, but does not hesitate to do it again.
In this case, someone who has donated once, donates again with sincerity even though he has already done it.
Get it?

Oh yeah then after that I went for lunch and a walk-about at random places with Jan and Jessica.
It was really fun.


Confirm plus chop.

('Cause I haven't gotten my period yet.)

I feel so sad.

And haste makes waste.

Just waiting for a miracle to happen.

Someone told me today that when I PMS, I cry.

Yeah that's really kinda true because my PMS is just having mood swings.

Cramps are sooo passé for me.

The last time I had one of those was >6 months ago.


And sad.

God, why do I even bother?
I mean, you don't even give a damn, right?

Monday, September 5, 2011


Today I snacked a lot.
After Hari Raya I gained 2kg.

Guess who feels like running on the treadmill now.

Sorry, but I really feel like a walking blob of fat.

Don't let these - get you down

1st-runner-up for South Zone and Finalist for Fancy drill.
We beat so many other schools, it's unbelievable!
I think everyone deserved what they got.
I feel very proud/blessed, 'cause I know we all did our very, very, very best.
We've had our ups and downs but we pulled through.
They did it.
They trusted the commander, the squad, and themselves.
I am so happy for them.

National Footdrill Competition 2011 Team 18/K.

Friday, September 2, 2011

So don't let me go, 'cause you have my soul.

This is really late, but.
I really enjoyed my birthday.
Thank you to everyone who remembered and made it so wonderfully brilliant.
Like last year's, that was another successfully wonderful birthday.
And yesterday, I got a surprise.
Heheh, I felt so blessed.
Thank you to everyone, I love you so much.