Saturday, December 31, 2011

Friday, December 30, 2011

I told her sorry for the wait.

Suddenly a million songs by Drake and Lil Wayne exploding awesome around me.
I want their albums now. :s

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

that's Y U MAD.

On my Tumblr, which I do so love, there are the 4 things I post that keep me alive:
1. Nicki Minaj
2. Smosh
3. Occassional thinspo
4. Really inspirational quotes and shots

Hi, how are you?
Yes it's nice to meet me.

saved the princess from demise

When the room is done, it will be the most whimsical pretty thing ever.

A simple bed heaped with cool, down pillows I've always wanted. On the duvet lie a few freshly-plucked flowers- petals sprouting from long stalks. The bed is so soft when you sit even only on its edge, you never want to get up again.

By the cupboard there will stand a dressing table much too majestic for me. It is painted golden with four legs that curl intricately outwards to help it stand. It is so Victorian, and radiates such exquisite antiquity. With it is a mirror framed with ornate metallic gold designs. Verily, everything about this table is either golden or lily white.

And on the opposite wall hangs another mirror of a dark olive-bronze frame. But this one is a full-body length, with a slightly dated glow about it. Everything on the other side of the glass is an enchanted world, and that aura seems to spill out into real life.

Every night, too, there will be lit scented candles with their sweet, sweet aromas and the soft, warm shadowed flicker of a flame dancing against the wall.

And such is the room I would adore to call mine.

Monday, December 26, 2011

you're fuckin up my decors

What. The. Frick.
What the frickin frick!
If you screw up my room and bed I'm gonna be frickin pissed.

**** you 1D.

you the best, you deserve a crown, *****

And I only have my mother to thank for showing me this amazing kind of music.

man, f*** y'all n*****

Hmmmm well I can't explain it.
There's just something about hiphop and r&b that gets to my core like no other genre of music do.
Some people may call these rappers "cocky" or "arrogant", (and oh, how irritating they are!) but they make me so strong.
Especially since so many of them come from the hood so the story of their rise to fame always comes around to be inspiration for everyone else.

I admire all rappers (even if some of them are annoying to hell and back).

Ew I made this sound like a sob story and so 'action' (if you get that slang).

I am the female Weezy, this shit is easy.
Whatchu know about it?
That's Y U Mad?

Friday, December 23, 2011

dime divas, give it to me

I feel like doing something drastic to myself.
Not drastic as in fatal drastic, but completely changing drastic.

Appreciate your friends and their efforts.

And my life is in tumblr.
I feel as if the real me is in tumblr.
Haha thanks for making me create an account.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

don't bother me

What's becoming of me, eh?

Oh well so every night I dream of Smosh, or at least I know they are there subconsciously.
My subconscious mind thinks of them, even when I am asleep.

Ok so I am really obsessed with them, k?

I don't want to be who I was before, next year.

Ok, Roman.
You're my idol.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

baby thank you for the second chances

Holy crap it felt good to cry over fanfic.
Not to sound cheesy but it feels like I'm alive..and it's great.

Alright back to the monotony of the holidays.

what I'd do to have you near

Today I dedicated wholly to watching Smosh videos and Ian Is Bored because well I won't get to do that anymore in a bit.

And then I started reading fanfics for Smosh. ):

I've never read fanfics before because you know,
what't the point?!

Then I read one Zayn Malik fanfic and it was so addictive so I thought well hey, how about Smosh fanfics?????

Then I read a few amusing ones that made Ian and Anthony gay.
Well anyway.
Then I start to come across those that tell of their friendship so beautifully.
And then another one where Ian died.
(Well how blunt and unexciting.)
I cried so badly.
Because it was so, so sad.
And touching.
I still can't believe I cried reading a fanfic.
Literally there's a tissue box by my side.

I wonder if I should speak of the plot..?

No, but I remedied it by watching their videos again to remind myself that no, neither Ian nor Anthony is dead.

Thankd God for that.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

y'all want the full roman?

Everyone should listen to this.
This is amazing.
So catchy, I love it.

now it's which world tour should I go on and take?

Ok I don't know how to start this post.
Maybe because I haven't blogged in a looooong while...........

But I shall say

-smug smiles everywhere-

Finally. Finally finally.
Except a million songs aren't in this edition.

But it's ok, because this album I have will be the first of many.

I just came back from another trip to Malaysia with Shireen.
It was amusing as always to see Adani and her be BCFs.
Which means best cousins forever.
It was 5 fun days but I'm glad to be back in Singapore.
I wonder why I missed home so much, not like I am unused to being in M'sia for 5 days or whatever.

I had weird dreams in Malaysia.
Really, really weird.

Ok before I blankout while blogging, I'll just list down every random thing in my mind.

Smosh is awesome.

Pink Friday is awesome.

I don't want Sec 4 to come.
Right, I want school to start, but I don't want to be pressurised.
If sec 3 was like THAT, then...

Oh well.

Shoot it's going to be a lonely rest-of-the-holiday.

Jan is going to Hokkaido and Nicolette is touring Europe.
how now brown cow.

Oh well!
I should smile more often!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

without you

All I need now is actually to have to be very egoistic and self-centered and talk of myself to someone because I can imagine that it will feel quite amazing to reveal all the sick problems that I have in myself to someone who is good enough in my vain little opinion to listen to me and someone who will pay a fair bit of attention and fuss over everything I say.

Yes yes, that would be quite pleasing indeed.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

nothing really matters but the beat!

I am absolutely loving my David Guetta CD I got from India for less than S$10!
And it's both the vocal and electronic CDs in one pack.
<3 <3
It is da bomb.
David Guetta is a freaking genius with muscic.

I spent so much in India, I swear!
I spent US$150, and S$20.
A lot was for my family.

India was amazing.
I love MGD.
The students there are so friendly, it doesn't do them justice the way we receive them when they come to SC.
I cannot wait to see them again when they come to Singapore.
(: (: (: (: (: (:

I don't know what to say about India, really, because I feel like I've written so much about it in my trip journal I can't say anything more about it!
But it was really amazing.
Too bad if you didn't go!
It was such a priceless experience!!

Gahh I wish I didn't have to go to school.