Thursday, January 26, 2012

yes my name is Roman, last name is Zolanski

In my head I always have so much to say and write about, but when it comes to writing it down somewhere it always just blanks out.
I don't want bad hair days please please please.
This is actually really hard to care for omg.
You would think it's real easy to do my hair now or something but nooo.
Not at all.
Never mind, I like it and that's all that matters.

Tomorrow will be a loooong arduous day.
I am not looking forward to it.
And I am already tired.
Oh no..

Sunday, January 22, 2012

money over everything, money on my mind

All I want now is Drake's album.

Ok tons of work to do.
Did homework today but I still have piles more.
I gotta finish everything today -- tomorrow we're going to the beach.

I really need to get a grip on myself!

ayo SB, what the fuck's good?

My cousin is amazing -- you're simply amazing dahlin'.
-martha voice-
She totally got me!
She totally understood whatever I wanted to say and it was so cool!

Stupid Hoe is totally something only for fans.
So not for those riding the Super Bass bandwagon.
For sake, she was just having fun on that one.
Stop hating, why the hate?
She was just being Roman!
Nicki can't be mainstream forever just to please these hoes.
If you watch the vid and hated it, don't talk to me about it.
I so don't want to hear that hate shit.
"Shout out to my haters sorry that you couldn't faze me."

And true, we both think it sucks that we can't dress crazy cute here in this country because people will stare for nothing.
And that platform wedges are hot.
And that we desperately need shopping.
And we'll do that after Os.
And we'll go on a cruise together one day.

Total BCF.
Shout out to you, Hushy, I l.o.v.e you.

Today I had to throw out a pair of heels because they are really worn out.
I liked that pair, and they were lovely.
It is a little sad to get rid of them.
I dread the day that my sneaker-lookalike wedges get thrown out.
One of my favourites, definitely.

I can't because you're on my head all the time..?

hate myself.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

these bitches is my sons and I want custody

Stupid Hoe MV finally came out!
I am so excited to watch it.
*jumps up and down and twirls and squeals*

Friday, January 20, 2012

just get back up when they knock you down

When I get frustrated I try not to be near people.
I stay by myself and do whatever the heck I want.

Ahhh it's just.. lately.. I feel like no one can understand what I'm feeling.
No one can, and no one will.
I just have this urge to go up to someone, anyone, and give them my diary to read.

I have so many conflicting feelings right now and it hurts so much.

I wish I had a friend so much like me.
Am I eccentric?
I think if you see the real me, you'd never want to be my friend.
If you could see what I think all the time, you'd probably get so terrified you'd run a million miles away and never come back.

Think of the darkest thoughts possible -- they're all in my head.

And all the tiny habits of mine that define me.

I sing in the shower, dance to MTV.
I occasionally talk to myself, make random-ass comments on anything and everything.
Act like a 7-year old because I love and miss my childhood.
Am fairly comfortable with swearing openly because in all honesty, it makes me feel strong.
I have those moments where I get so upset over the littlest things, but

Will you understand that..?

Thursday, January 19, 2012

I'll admit it, I was scared to answer love's call

Not again, oh, this ain't supposed to happen to me.

You see the hate that they serving on a platter.
So what we gon have, dessert or disaster?

I never thought I'd, be in love like this.
When I look at you my mind goes on a trip.
Then you came in and knocked me on my face.
Feels like I'm in a race, but I already won first place.

I never thought I'd fall for you as hard as I did.

Every morning I look at you and smile.
'Cause boy, you came around.
And you knocked me down, knocked me down.

I never thought I'd hear myself say,
"Y'all go ahead, think I'm gonna kick it with my girl today."
I used to be commander-in-chief for my pimp ship flyin high
Till I met this pretty little missile that shot me out the sky.

Now I'm crashing.
Don't know how it happened.
But I know it feels so damn good.

We were never meant to be,
Baby we just happened.
So please don't mess up the trick.

They say I move too quick, but we can't let this moment pass us.
Let the hourglass pass right into ashes.
Let the wind blow the ash right before my glasses.
So I wrote this love letter right before my classes.

How could a goddess ask someone that's only average for advice
Omg, you listen to that bitch!
Woe is me, baby this is tragic.
'Cause we had it.
We was magic.
I was flying, now I'm crashing.

Say you gotta put the good and the bad, the happy and sad.
So will you bring a better future than I had in the past?
Oh 'cause I don't wanna make the same mistake I did.
Don't wanna fall back on my face again.

I'll admit it, I was scared to answer love's call.
And if it hits better make it worth the fall.

Won't see it coming when it happens,
but when it happens, you gonna feel it let me tell you now.

See, when love comes and knocks you down.

I heard that your dreams came true

In all honesty, I spent so much time on it because I knew only you would fully appreciate something like that. You understand it, right?

I get so horribly upset when people are ignorant, or see from only one perspective, because they're just that narrow-minded.
You have no idea how much that gets to me.
I wish it doesn't, but it does.
And it frustrates me so much I feel like the only persons I can talk to are my sister and friends whom I know will totally get me.

Anyway, my desk partner is amazing.
Shout out to you, because you really are!

And lastly,
Happy birthday Nicci!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

just get back up when they knock you down

Through all the explicit rap I'm listening to, yes.
So don't judge..

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

she ain't a nicki fan then the bitch def' dumb

So stop dissing 'cause you c.... got nothing on this.
Seriously, stop pissing me off and take a back seat!

I don't know where you're going

My life is amazing.

I'm not lying or sarcasming when I say that -- 'amazing' can mean so much.
I guess I should be glad I have a decent life, no?
And that I have one at all.

But then again, what is the meaning of life?

Such a cliché question but really, now.

I am capable of so many feelings, it is truly captivating.
I can sit and think of this all day.

Well, whatever I do I do for you.
It's like I'm sacrificing my fucking insanity and life for you.

Monday, January 16, 2012

every morning I look at you and smile

I love you.
I love you so much even though I hate you sometimes.
I hate you because you make my life so confusing.
But I still love you either way.
I love you so much you don't even know -- it's ridiculous.
And I still love you.

to reach and to leave

Listening to Blood again and dying at how amazing it is!

Bio test tomorrow..well...ahhh...............hmm.

Today I popped by Dorothy Perkins after school and got myself the bracelet I had been eyeing since Saturday.
It was on sale and it was pretty, so I got it.

Then I went back home and took a long shower because it was so hot and stuffy!
And it felt good. (The shower.)

Then I had the best dinner of the week, because today we had chicken rice.
Today was amazing because I had so much healthy food and I feel good about it.

Yes yes today was a good, decent day.

Tomorrow, I don't think so.
Well well, we'll see.

And I love surprise hugs.

And also, Blood.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

I like a woman with a future and a past

Maybe I'll go study in France, yeah?
During the last French lesson the teacher said something about a talk on career and study opportunities in France.
Sooooo well.
Putting it like that makes me feel like I have a future.

Sec 4's tough but manageable(?) so far.

Anyway, Jessie J's coming to Singapore in April!
I kinda really want to go.
She has a strong voice and paying $98 to watch her will so not be a waste.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

so don't nobody start a fight

I'm dead beat and exhausted to no end.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

and that's what makes my life so fucking fantastic

1. Get a life.
2. Slap some sense into yourself.
3. Stop messing with my girls.

You have thus been warned.

Monday, January 9, 2012


What is this lovely, lovely song?
It is so perfect for my mood right now.
So whimsical and fairylike.

Friday, January 6, 2012

don't hold nothing back

Read this instead.
This is for you.
If you have a feeling it's for you,
yes, yes it is.

but who are you fixing to be??

What a week.

It was long and draining and not even a full week.
If this is what Sec 4 feels like, I'm not loving it.
At. All.

So anyway, I'm having this huge thick slice of chocolate cake and I'm just trying to make it last like I always do with any delicious thing.
Yummy yummy what a good way to end this horrific week.

And please, please, please, don't jump to conclusions with the post below this one!

And Loud is amazing.
Now I just got to figure out how to burn it onto my com.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

stupid hoe is so whack

Am SO irritated.
So if you have a feeling that I am annoyed with your little face,
why yes, yes I am.
I am so ticked off at everything now.
School's not even reached one week and I am drained.
Please don't provoke me.
So yes, this one's for all you brats I feel like strangling.