Monday, September 10, 2012

holy craps & epiphanies

That must be the first title in months that came from me.
But really, what and why.
Today I said holy crap at least 10 times.
And those damn epiphanies.
I knew they were brilliant.
But they came when I was half-asleep (which was probably because last night I stayed up and I shouldn't have and.. urgh.) and when I was zapped awake (hell yes 'zapped' when do I ever use that word answer is IDK but you know I go by instinct) because in those moments everything was so clear, they went away.
Oh great. Wonderful.
I knew they were brilliant.
They were about people and human relationships and human rights and.
And they were brilliant!

There was a great one during break when I was so knocked out and I was getting it so good and then my lovely desk partner shook me awake screaming madly and then it flew out the window and now I can't remember what was so brilliant about it, just that it was.

I am delirious right now can't you tell.

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