Thursday, November 28, 2013

be with me so happily

alright so.
a year ago tonight i discovered my first harry&louis fic, in attempts of purging this terrible, terrible ennui.
it was after this cropped up on my dash

so, so beautiful wow.
my heart was taken so, so quick.
there is something so terrifyingly honest about the way these two are with each other, and wow.
it hurts a lot.
and it's been a year, and i still feel the same way about this.
and, i have been improved!
a lot!
i don't know i can't say much about this but
learning about their relationship has enhanced interminable aspects of my life.
and they also make me happy, and i am just so.

there has been a lot of firsts with these so um
for memory's sake,
first louis&harry gif:

first louis&harry fic: happy thoughts
first louis&harry blog: reasonswhylarrystylinsonisreal
first louis&harry song (that i ever cried to lmaooo): kiss me
yeah i am done i am not going to push it.

also let me tell you that i am heaving right now
two of my ultimate favourite blogs that discuss louis&harry just follwoed me i think im gona die theyre so clever and groenw up and im just me and i cnt beleive they folwoed me i a m so hapy.

i think i am decently content with where my life is right now.
of course the effort presently exerted leaves much to be desired...but still.
who else can be as effusive when speaking about things like friends..or hobbies.
so i am content.

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