Friday, August 10, 2012

master the merry-go-round

It would be lovely, heavenly to live alone in the woods with a tame animal for company.
There would be the cosy cottage in the midst of a clearing thriving with wildflowers and shrubbery.
The wildflowers you can pick and arrange in unmatched bunches to set in small vases filled with clear water from a nearby stream.
And days can be spent tucked up by the windowsill reading and reading with cups of tea waiting at the side.
Or there can be walks and solitary adventures taken in those woods that brim with life.
On its outskirts, inevitably, there would be a village visitable any time before dusk.
There, books may be returned or borrowed, things of odds and ends for the cottage bought, or the occasionally necessary needle and thread with required lengths of cloth purchased.
The path back home would be illuminated by sunlight that streaks through the breaks in the canopy and lit up by birdsong.
If it were raining you'd have to run whilst clutching the basket of wares close to your chest, but you'd be sheltered, still, by the trees.
And home would be a welcoming abode that is warmed by the flames in the fireplace and made bright by lit candle sticks and a beautifully-made paraffin lamp.
And every night you may go out with the lamp to lay on the grass with the pet and watch the stars to look for constellations or that one star you would want to wish on for a little excitement in this simplistic life, if you please.

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