Sunday, April 5, 2015

heaven can't help me now

oh my goodness this place has been so sad and desolate but hey ! here I am now.
i realised i haven't really updated this blog much (not at all ha), and it's still fairly in the dark wrt my recent state of affairs.
well, blog, if you must know, i've finished with my A levels and i've already sent in a couple uni applications (the me of secondary school days would've been absolutely astounded knowing this; A levels??? uni???? work?????? UNI??????????). 
by now, i already have about 4 months of work experience at the airport & good god, i feel like i've emerged so much better as a person.
it was a wild experience and so many things happened, but it was one of the best decisions i've made for myself.
really, i am just here to write of how...changed...i feel, after four whole months of workity work.
(hold on tight this is all gonna be v messy and delirious-sounding.)

i'm just so proud of myself.

in the 4 months of salesperson-ing (at a goddamn Pandora store, no less) i gained so much experience.
i've become more open, better at dealing with people, at being more persuasive/assertive, more cool-headed, more adept at multi-tasking under stress; i've come to trust and put actual value in myself.
seemingly trivial things like customers asking me for my opinion, for example.
mere months ago i would've been highly doubtful about the accuracy of my judgement, too preoccupied thinking what if i'm wrong and problems happen bc of me. 
now it's a complete turnaround.
i am honestly amazed at myself, being able to answer questions with conviction and persuasion.
and i'm so ace at phone calls now??!?!?!???!?? 13 year old me would've been terrified.
heck, 18 year old me in dec '14 had marvelled at a friend's effortless ability to make phone calls to a goddamn pizza place - sweetheart did you know by now you've handled countless phone calls involving hysterical enraged customers, or help centres which you had to contact bc hey, the POS machine's suddenly acting up and you need to see that this is rectified asap and you're alone so you're in charge.

i was truly so successful at work it feels fucking amazing.

i'm thinking of how i completely 120%ed my sales target in february (>$75k in sales that's me) + being trusted with the shop key + p much caring for the store on my own (!!!!!!!!!) + all the pleased customers i've served (the best & most satisfying part tbh) etc etc etc the list is endless and recognising how good i was at my job feels glorious.
not to say i made 0 mistakes, which, i did, and oh boy did i make mistakes.
things like carelessness and silly panic that tripped me up and resulted in stupid things like items being left behind, undercharging customers...STUPID THINGS.
but i got up and learnt and improved.
and it was so incredible to realise, with each passing day, all the things i was actually capable of doing.
(oh my god i can open the store, i can handle an endless 7-hour stream of customers, and i can actually do the aforementioned alone)

okay the past few paragraphs have been so me-centric but i assure you my working environment was always ever so pleasant.

my coworkers were so great and easy to talk to and kind and accommodating and i am so fond of them???
i could've never achieved anything without their help.
god, i miss them so much.
(rave and his salesperson tips, his calling everyone "sister", his generous treats.
narmin and her bunny talk, her honeyed voice, her motherly ways.
polly and her easygoing manner.
emilie and her knowing-what-she-want-and-being-assertive-about-its.

i love working at the airport, i do, i do!
there is a saying here that once you work at the airport, you'll never want to work anywhere else.
it's so entrapping that place, and not in a bad way at all.
i adore the dynamic environment, the unusual waking hours, how you never see the same person twice, the traveller stories, the exclusivity of being able to enter the "restricted" transit area with a special pass, the being part of the Best Airport In The World, etc.... it's all so....... ♡~♡
i feel so blessed.
thank you, god, for letting such a good thing come my way.
i fully enjoyed what i did; took the good and the bad in stride.
this is truly such a big moment of pride for me.

tl;dr. I'm *amazed* at myself. I've accomplished things that I, with all my shyness and introversion, had never ever thought I could.

on my last day, my manager had asked me if i was looking so happy because it was my last day.

i hope she knows that i was/am happy because i had felt truly content - the experience was so, so satisfying, and i couldn't have asked for anything better.

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