Sunday, September 26, 2010

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Oh dear

Used too much of my imagination today. I can't seem to continue my Bobby and Tom story anymore. :S

The Patio by The Pool

Today I found The Place.

It was a quaint, cosy patio above the pool, at the spot nearest the two gushing fountains from which you can see individual water droplets get thrown up into the air and then fall back into the water with quick splashy sounds, if you are quick enough. It had tall exotic greenery that made bloom flowers the deepest blush of pink surrounding the area.

From where you sit, you are able to see the whole, vast pool, the towering man-made rocks and the lonely waterfall beside the noisy little playground in the water. And then, if you look carefully enough, you might just make out the other, grander waterfall at the other end.

I love weekdays. When it's a weekday, the whole pool is empty; free from the bustly pool life common only to Saturdays and Sundays. Only then is the patio a quiet place, filled with the wonders of nature and deep thoughts.

On a tall round table, sitting on a tall, grand deck chair, looking over the waters, with only the sound of water to break the silence, you feel like you can do anything.

After a full hour of (oh dear) Geography, I finally sat back and took in everything.

Why can't everyday be a day like this?

Sunday, September 19, 2010

LA Intro-writing Practice

Bobby sat on the garden outside his little cottage alone. The air was still clean and crisp, especially since it had drizzled lightly the night before, so the grass was still damp too. He sat cross-legged by his dead wife’s potted plant which she had dearly loved. He stroked the orchid’s petals tenderly and sighed at the thought of dear, dead Esther. Then his mind strayed to thoughts of the little boy named Tom, who was sleeping soundly inside, oblivious to the rays of bright morning sunlight already beginning to stream in through the windows. Bobby thought of how Esther would know more how to care for this difficult, orphaned boy who had been put under his care after his parents’ death, leaving him with no other known relatives to replace the task of showering Tom with a parent’s love. He would not know how, would he? He was a man who hardly knows how to show love, something he could only do with Esther. But now, with her gone, he had no inkling as to how he could possibly match his quick temper and harsh disciplining ways with Tom’s mischievous and stubborn attitude.


Haha I finally get how to make my text look like this. Darn I'm so slow. ):

I was dead beat

Yesterday was our 'open house'. So the whole of yesterday was spent doing last minute tidying, preparing the cakes and whatnot, and doing whatever chore a woman is supposed to do. And in the afternoon, omg. I was so bored! Because no one came, or at least, 2 parties came. 2 only! So, well, it was a slow afternoon. Mama said, 'Aiyah, they all make this their last house lah.' And I thought, 'Yeah, maybe.'

And then. Yeah. Night came. And ZOMG. Around ten minutes after Shireen's family came, Husna and Ili and Kakak Shasha came, so we had practically 4 families in one small house. Then, Haiqal and Daiyana came with their other cousin, so that adds 2 more families. There were 7 FREAKIN FAMILIES IN OUR HOUSE. And duh, of course I had to serve drinks lah, make sure the kuih and the cakes were enough, and layan them at the same time?! Yeah, so I was practically running around everywhere. ): Doesn't this remind you of Emily of Emerald Hill? Except I wasn't perspiring much, the whole house was air-conned. :D Oh, except the kitchen. D:

Oh goodness and the kids were messing up my room! The boys were on that top bunk of the bed, Aryan spilt some drink on the floor, and everyone was screaming and shouting and Ili was sick and she was so down so bottomline is that I was very busy.

I was thinking aren't I supposed to be having fun with my cousins right now? Since all of them were there. But anyway, siigh. Oh, and then Fery (or should I say Auntie Fery 'cause she's my mum's cousin but she's P5! so) came at 11.30. D: Yeah, so busy busy busy the whole day!

Still, I had fun! (: It was a good night, really. Later we're gonna go to Husna's house. I better do my homework.


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Dearest MD & NB & maybe TD,

I hope you saw me stare at you just now.


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Some airplanes are just doomed to crash

Let's pretend Marshall Mathers never picked up a pen. Let's pretend things would've been no different. Pretend he procrastinated, had no motivation. Pretend he just made excuses that were so paper thin, they could blow away with the wind. Marshall, you never gonna make it makes no sense to play the game there ain't no way that you'll win. Pretend he just stayed outside all day and played with his friends. Pretend he even had a friend to say was his friend. And it wasn't time to move and schools weren't changing again. He wasn't socially awkward and just strange as a kid. He had a father and his mother wasn't crazy as sht. And he never dreamed he could rip stadiums and just lazy as sht. Fck a talent show in the gymnasium, btch, you won't amount to sht. Quit daydreaming, kid. You need to get your cranium checked. You thinking like an alien, it just ain't realistic. Now pretend, they ain't just making him angry with this sht, and there was no one he couldn't even aim when he's pissed it. And his alarm went off to wake him but he didn't make it to the rap Olympics, slept through his plane and he missed it. He's gonna have a hard to time explaining to Hayley and Laney these food stamps and this WIC sht. 'Cause he never risked sht. He hoped and he wished it, but it didn't fall in his lap. So he ain't even here, he pretends that.

I had/have nowhere else to put that. Aren't you proud that I could write all that without having to refer to anything?

Oh no, of ocurse you aren't. I have nothing for anyone to be proud of.

Vous comprenez?

Je n'aime pas ma vie.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

For now, I can only stare longingly

Edited: How weird. I must be obsessed with dressing and style and fashion.

I hate EOYs. ):

Tip of the day: Having no heel on your shoes can make your legs appear shorter. If wearing flats with skirts, shoot for a hemline that is above the knee, to regain a look of length to your leg. Wearing flats with longer skirts can give you a dowdy appearance.

It just..happened

Dear -insert something here-,
Today the funniest thing happened. After school, Nicole and I were walking. And I was talking about something funny that Nicolette had said, and then she appeared. And I thought immediately of the proverb 'Talk of the devil and he is bound to appear.' Not referring to Nicolette as the devil, of course. And I thought that it was such a coincidence.

Then, we continued walking till we reached outside the Dance Room. I was mentioning Miselle, and lo and behold there she was a few feet behind Nicole's shoulders! And my eyes widened because something like this happens ever so rarely. But anyway, I said hi to her and after a simple conversation, she continued her journey.

And since I was a little bored, I just stayed outside the Dance Room with Nicole for a while. And then, I wondered what time Jan usually went home because I had never seen her going home on normal non-RC days. And as I asked Nicole if she knew what time Jan leaves, she comes walking with Alyssa and a friend. And of course I had to exclaim in surprise. It was really unusual to have it happen thrice in a day.

Well, of course we started talking when we met. Suddenly, someone said something about Alyssa's mushroom head(heehee), and I thought of how Carlyn had thought the same before. I just had to tell this to Alyssa, and before I could finish 'Hey, you know what? Carlyn...', someone tapped me on the shoulder, and when I turned, I saw Carlyn's face in front of my own surprised one. And I couldn't help but list out all the occurences and wondered why they happened four times in less than half an hour out loud because it was such a rare and queer event. And then Carlyn asked if I had her pen.


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Colour codes

I just colour-coded some people. Like, the colours I see in my head when they are being mentioned.

I won't tell you who these colours belong too, but.

A: Sapphire Mist
B: Emerald Jade
C: Cinammon honeyrose
D: Taffeta Gold
E: Bright Sunshine
F: Coral Petals

C is terribly long, but that person just HAD to have those three words in.

I had the queerest dream last night.

It was 1.40pm on a school day, therefore school had just ended and we were just dismissed. And there was supposed to be some RC event that afternoon. And suddenly, someone came to me and said I was IC and reporting time was at 2.30pm. AND we were supposed to wear the RC uniform and I did not bring it. Somehow, Papa's 'please record your message after the beep' and Amanda Soo Ma'am got into the dream. O.o

I had the queerest dream last night.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I wish I were -insert name here-. He/She has his/her attention all the time. :( I am so jealous. I. Am. So. Jealous. SO. JEALOUS. SO. VERY. JEALOUS. This person's so lucky to have his/her attention and yes. How I envy them.

Otherwise, I wish I were -insert name of celebrity here-. She has a perfect life. A. Perfect. Life. I think I'm obsessed over her, or maybe just really really jealous of her lifestyle.

OR I wish I were -insert name here-. He/She is also perfect. Not as famous as -insert name of celebrity here-, but still. Very admired. And people look up to him/her.

I will trade my life for any of those up there anytime. But I really wish I were person number 1.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

3 days

-.- I'm not looking forward to Hari Raya. Really. Ok fine I might be lying a little bit there. But, seriously, it'll take away lots of revision time. So the solution is, bring books and files along with me! When I was P6, my mom proposed this to me and I was like WTH?! And now, I really want to do this and she thinks it's 'tak baik'. =.= Sheesh, I MUST start studying. :S

Ok. List of things to do:
- Tidy room
- Wipe Mama's fake flowers. -.-
- Bake another banana cake (Ima use 5 bananas, four is not tasty enough)
- Plan what I'm gonna wear for the day! (:

Gosh I love dressing up. :X Sigh, there's this beautiful pair of Vincci black gladiator heels that is around 3-4 inches high and they were going at half price and I really really want them not a need but a want but still and they say I have too many shoes that is a LIE a big black LIE I want those shoes I want them I really really do.


Sunday, September 5, 2010

It's baking, still baking, never ending

It's been a long time since I posted but that's because 1) I'm limiting the number of hours I spend on the laptop and 2) I have a diary already so I just write there and it's easier.

Hmm.. Today, we went to Joo Chiat complex to pick up our bajus and well, I guess my baju is pretty nice. (: Time passes so fast, huh? It's already bulan Syawal. I'm not looking forward to it because it just means that EOYs are coming. TT

And I'm baking a cake today! It's a banana cake and it's still in the oven and I'm hoping that it will come out perfectly even and golden brown and that it will taste delicious and light and moist, just like the recipe promised. (:

Tomorrow we're having a level outing at J8! Yay! I can't wait! Though it sucks that we can't watch Vampires Suck. Hmph. I was looking forward to that. Looks like I must wait for the DVD. > :( Yeah. Anyway,

Great job guys! You made us all so proud! (:

Thursday, September 2, 2010

It's true

I have no obsessions.