Tuesday, September 14, 2010

It just..happened

Dear -insert something here-,
Today the funniest thing happened. After school, Nicole and I were walking. And I was talking about something funny that Nicolette had said, and then she appeared. And I thought immediately of the proverb 'Talk of the devil and he is bound to appear.' Not referring to Nicolette as the devil, of course. And I thought that it was such a coincidence.

Then, we continued walking till we reached outside the Dance Room. I was mentioning Miselle, and lo and behold there she was a few feet behind Nicole's shoulders! And my eyes widened because something like this happens ever so rarely. But anyway, I said hi to her and after a simple conversation, she continued her journey.

And since I was a little bored, I just stayed outside the Dance Room with Nicole for a while. And then, I wondered what time Jan usually went home because I had never seen her going home on normal non-RC days. And as I asked Nicole if she knew what time Jan leaves, she comes walking with Alyssa and a friend. And of course I had to exclaim in surprise. It was really unusual to have it happen thrice in a day.

Well, of course we started talking when we met. Suddenly, someone said something about Alyssa's mushroom head(heehee), and I thought of how Carlyn had thought the same before. I just had to tell this to Alyssa, and before I could finish 'Hey, you know what? Carlyn...', someone tapped me on the shoulder, and when I turned, I saw Carlyn's face in front of my own surprised one. And I couldn't help but list out all the occurences and wondered why they happened four times in less than half an hour out loud because it was such a rare and queer event. And then Carlyn asked if I had her pen.


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