Sunday, September 19, 2010

I was dead beat

Yesterday was our 'open house'. So the whole of yesterday was spent doing last minute tidying, preparing the cakes and whatnot, and doing whatever chore a woman is supposed to do. And in the afternoon, omg. I was so bored! Because no one came, or at least, 2 parties came. 2 only! So, well, it was a slow afternoon. Mama said, 'Aiyah, they all make this their last house lah.' And I thought, 'Yeah, maybe.'

And then. Yeah. Night came. And ZOMG. Around ten minutes after Shireen's family came, Husna and Ili and Kakak Shasha came, so we had practically 4 families in one small house. Then, Haiqal and Daiyana came with their other cousin, so that adds 2 more families. There were 7 FREAKIN FAMILIES IN OUR HOUSE. And duh, of course I had to serve drinks lah, make sure the kuih and the cakes were enough, and layan them at the same time?! Yeah, so I was practically running around everywhere. ): Doesn't this remind you of Emily of Emerald Hill? Except I wasn't perspiring much, the whole house was air-conned. :D Oh, except the kitchen. D:

Oh goodness and the kids were messing up my room! The boys were on that top bunk of the bed, Aryan spilt some drink on the floor, and everyone was screaming and shouting and Ili was sick and she was so down so bottomline is that I was very busy.

I was thinking aren't I supposed to be having fun with my cousins right now? Since all of them were there. But anyway, siigh. Oh, and then Fery (or should I say Auntie Fery 'cause she's my mum's cousin but she's P5! so) came at 11.30. D: Yeah, so busy busy busy the whole day!

Still, I had fun! (: It was a good night, really. Later we're gonna go to Husna's house. I better do my homework.


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