Monday, July 15, 2013

you leave with the tide

blood-red curtains and blood-red apples
of the morning
because I decided today was no time for school
(but if you spoke to someone more honest
you'd know it was a decision made six hours ago
so when morning came
and people walked in and out
with purpose and reason
(in preparation for the nascent day)
where I was there existed only
under swathing sheets
with pretty caramel lying upset on her side beside my own
and some poetry book digging uncomfortably into the side of my face
(since I hadn't bothered with putting it away nicely prior)
and a heart that is as indifferent as it is spent
(because I can't give a shit anymore)
lost causes & never minds and
Where are you?
nope no school for me today..
How come?
huh no lah I just don't feel well
What are you down with?
"last night I hyperventilated for 45 minutes"
how jargon-ic and it sounds silly
"panic attack"
and lies maybe
innacurate ones
is anyone asking? idk I just don't feel well but it's not bad enough for the doctor's I don't want to see
good enough
Larry wanted to know.
so I snickered a tiny bit at this a little fondly
and now I'm writing this
(also writing excuse letters)
and it is the silliest thing I've written maybe
because it just is
and anyway I want to keep this aside for my own reference
(-nothing I did stopped the panic
or the nothingness in the limbs
or the helplessness
breathe, says anis
her fingers twine around mine
I am limp in her arms
but how..?
so fucking weak)
because I just want to
and the thing no one understands is
(look at all this poetic wannabeing don't fucking care)
I just don't feel in control
and you are telling me to make sure I know what I'm doing
I fucking don't
and I can give two shits about knowing what I'm doing
my problem right now is I feel indoctrinated
I think I am losing my mind
and I can't deal with that
like you can't make sure you know what you're doing if you are not emotionally stable
for fuck's sake
pretty sure I'm not emotionally stable
dissociation to survive the unsurvival
(words of affirmation)
it's petty
people are going to hell for loving someone of the same gender
eternal damnation in an unending inferno for living a life of love
as You had ordained
I feel sad
maybe I'd be going to hell for thinking like this
but ok
I'm quite resigned
I'm going to hell
my life is 

anyway now I have a few problems to sort out like
important things
'cause I want my life back on track
like weeding
needs to be done
starts of weeks aren't ever fresh
because sundays determine how they turn out.

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