Sunday, October 31, 2010

Oh, deep joy!

Haha I am very, very excited for tomorrow! Who wouldn't be huh? :D

A sunny day. (I hope.)
At the beach.
With all my friends.
And all that water.
And sand.
Who would be.
As to not.
Want to be there.


And FYI, no, I haven't started my homework. D:
That's me. Serial procrastinator.
Like ______ is a serial suck-up.
And ______ is a serial downloader.


Poppin' bottles in the ice, like a blizzard

Oh man. What should I do today? Hm. I think maybe I do my MT Paper 2, then the first part of the SS homework. At least I won't feel guilty tomorrow at ECP. :D

Yeah, talking about ECP, I am SO excited!! I haven't been to the beach for a loong time. :0 And I can't wait! With friends too. What a brilliant way to start the holidays. :D

I think. I have. A grudge. Against. Those stupid. Toy. Bowling. Pins. And. Balls. That. Make. This. Stupid. Clattering. Plasticy. Noise. When. They. Hit. The. Floor.

And I'm so very thankful that I have no muscle aches or bruises or whatever after a whole day of Evac Gold yesterday, like the week before. :D I think my body might be getting used to the exercise. Haha!

Oh, thank gosh. I think I've kind of found my peace, despite its probable temporarity. (Is there such a word? Nvm, least you get it.)

Oh na na, what's my name.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

It was a brilliant day!


I passed Evac Gold Accreds!!!!

YAY!! And of course, congrats to all those who passed Evac Gold too, and FD Gold!! :D I'm so happy for you!

And today was pretty much satisfying.

Friday, October 29, 2010


Oh my goodness! You are SO adorable and funny! My dear, darling sister. How I love you so! Yes yes I won't ever forget your sweet, sweet visage. My baby-faced, cherubic angel. Oh, dear sister, I DO adore you, I do!


Oh goodness.

Here it goes again. :S
Anyway, yesterday was a seriously harsh day.
Emotional? Too much.
(Come on lah, even I wouldn't have dared to do THAT.)

Though, I kind of thought yesterday's RC meeting was one of the best ever. (If you do not count the before and after events.) :D Blind footdrill was really quite fun! (Amanda, I told you I could recognise your voice!)

Hm. My holidays are packed with RC events! :0
Nono, that's a GOOD thing!
I really don't mind and I am SO excited!
Oh, just that I really AM nervous for UIP OA.

Just as a reminder for myself:
4 November: RI Inter-unit, 2.30-6.30pm, RI
6 November: UIP OA Contact Session 1, 8.45am-6pm, RC Campsite
10 November: Appreciation lunch, 12.45pm, School
12 November: SANA Course, (oh dear I didn't manage to take down when and where.)
13 November: UIP OA Contact Session 2, 8.30am-6pm, RC Campsite
19-21 November: UIP OA 3D2N Camp, 8.45am-12.30pm, RC Campsite
27 November: UIP OA Contact Session 3, 8.45am,-6pm, RC Campsite

Haha. Man. It's really packed. Plus all that homework.
Aren't you excited?

Monday, October 25, 2010


Today was an almost-good day. Heh.
Anyway, what else. Oh, I totally overshot my eating limit. Seriously. =.=

Oh well.

Friday, October 22, 2010


Um. You think I'm back to writing 10 posts per day? Gah.

It's a bad day to eat one meal only. There's spaghetti for dinner tonight. And I had eaten one bowlful of it. (*&#^%*#&^#*?!?!?!?!!?) Plus that rice I ate during recess, oh my. ): Mm.. Not gonna eat anymore today.

Hmm... /:L

Today was a good day, or at least it was supposed to be. Something was not right, can't figure it out though..

Anyway, Jan got so high today! XD Llama song? =.=
Arm-wrestles are the source of entertainment nowadays. Hahaha!

RC starting again next week. (Ending the school week, more like.) :D
Tomorrow's Evac Gold. Hm. I feel pretty.. scared. You know? Nah, more like nervous. 'Cause well, yah.
Darn. I'm scared about forgetting all my Footdrill, evac, first aid, etc after the long absence.
And UIP OA is a huge dilemma.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Words to do with



Haha, just didn't have anywhere to put those. Bolded words are my favourites. :D

It's the haze!

Haha, I think it's pretty amazing. :P Yeah, different opinion, I know, but still. The last haze was when, two years ago? Heh. I would really like it, except for the fact that it's overwhelming me a lot. :S And it feels like I can't breathe properly and I feel more agitated and restless than usual. Hmm.

Anyway, I kinda have something to be imagined.

Suppose we have no languages. Suppose we know no words for basic expressions. Suppose we can't say, "Oh, I am quite happy today!", and can only feel this curious light sensation that makes your cheeks flush and your whole self want to skip and dance, and you just feel like laughing forever, but you have no idea what the queer feeling is. Suppose!

Though I know there's such thing as drawing, but still. Just imagine that. A world with no language. Imagine that.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Just read.

'Perhaps you can feel if you can't hear,' was her fancy. 'Perhaps kind thoughts reach people somehow, even through windows and doors and walls. Perhaps you feel a little warm and comforted, and you don't know why, when I am standing here in the cold and hoping you will get well and happy again. I am so sorry for you,' she would whisper in an intense little voice. 'I wish you had a "Little Missus" who could pet you as I used to pet papa when he had a headache. I should like to be your "Little Missus" myself, poor dear! Good night - good night. God bless you!'

Yeah, that was the part that almost moved me to tears. Because you see, it was very, very, very selfless of Sara to actually feel sorry for someone who had all the riches he could ever have, when it is obvious that she was in a much worse state than him. She was hungry, and tired, and cold, yet she still prayed for someone else's life, and not hers, to get better, and with much fervor at that.

But, oh, I think what was touching was how.. angelic she seemed. And that at such a tender age, she is able to be that concerned about someone she hardly knows, it amazes me. And I suppose it is quite horrid that it is lacking in our lives. And it's really very admirable, though she is a fictional character.

Haha I think I'm ranting and ranting. -.- Hehe.

But I just think that yes, I would like to be like her. Isn't that queer? To want to be like a person who never existed. Hm. :/

Oh dear.

I am very much aware that I CAN be quite childish at times. But, oh, can't anyone see that sometimes peace can be found simply by forgetting any of our obligations? Oh my, I know I'm not quite making sense now, but.

Suppose you were a little girl once more. You don't have to live up to any expectations by anyone to excel every essay written. You don't have to think in a mtured manner. You don't have to.. to think at all.

Little girls are always expected to be that petite rosy child who has no care at all in the world, discovering it by themselves through mysterious means every one of the children always seem to know. (Yet it is a wonder how the secret is forgotten when one reaches, what they call, Adulthood.)

For some reason, I always imagine young girls to have messy yet beautiful, soft golden locks that drift about them, with eyes the colour of sapphires. They will have that healthy pink glow about them that resonates pure happiness. They wear sunhats and pretty little summer dresses that are made of soft floral fabric the colour of pale roses. And white sandals too. Oh, no makeup either, for it is all about that pretty natural look.

Well, um, haha. Ok. So you see, my little childish escapades, they usually consist of colouring in my 3 colouring books, or playing with elegant dolls, or reading those books meant for the younger readers. (For I think the best lessons can be learnt from those books, rather than from chick lit.)

I see that it probably sounds weird and all. But oh well.

I had just finished reading A Little Princess for the third time. But I know sooner or later, I'll read it again. I think it's official. That is my favouritest book.

You know that you can't live without the book/the book is good if:

-you are able to read it again and again and again without getting sick of it.
-there are parts that simply move you (I'm not kidding. Something Sara said almost made me cry. I would have, if I weren't in the courtyard. And it was my 3rd time reading it, kay?)
-you start to adopt the author's writing style, or you incorporate some phrases in your writing.
-you start to wish you lived in the story.

There's probably more, but anyway. I don't know. I only managed to figure those out. :/

Goodnight! ^^

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Hmm.. It was practically a very average, boring day. :/ Very, very boring.
Maybe I'll go to the library some day. [: I realised I had not read recently. D: How did I live?! Hm. I think I'll go read A Little Princess. Again. (:
Hm. You know last Monday we went to Jan's house to celebrate her and Nicole's birthday right? :D
Haha! It was SUCH an epic day! But still, we had a LOT of fun, right? It was one of the best days ever. :)
And the cake! Was so! Yummy! An ice-cream cake of rocky road and cookies & cream? AHH!! It was heavenly. (:
Yes, I'm bored! I really am bored! And well, I would like to go back to school, except for the fact that I'm really, really nervous for the results. You know? Like, I somehow know it's going to be nasty. :S
And yes, I do have those small flames of insecurity flickering back to life in that small corner of my heart. Again. ):
Remember the last time that happened? It wasn't very nice.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I love my cousin's Tumblr :3

Nicci would love this.
She's exposed!
Elle a l'air d'une princesse. :S
-gasp!- Wow!
Woots! I wish!
Yeah, that's true. ):
Can't help but LOL.
And you feel like shouting, "Hey, look at me!!"
Guilty. XD
Gah, I'm seriously bored. Can't you tell?

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Well, I've finally caught up with life and watched Beauty & The Beast for the first time in my life, can you believe that?
What a lovely story.
Ah, the old Disney..

Oh well, what did I do?
Right, yesterday, I ate the double filet-o-fish. Haha. It was nice at first, then it felt urghish. >:/ Yup.

Ah, Coco's here! I shall go and play with her. :D
Tomorrow Nicole, Alyssa, Miselle, Nicolette and I are all gonna troop to Jan's house! Can't wait!

Sunday, October 3, 2010


I shouldn't be online or whatever but you would never believe what I'm doing, a night before the first exam(or first step into war, if you like).

I was reading my whole blog! D:

Of course it's not good.

But I have this to say anyway.

I WAS shallow, wasn't I?

A little..foolish to put all those feelings out there.

Plain for everyone of every level to read.


Some of the posts were pretty..well..unsuitable.

Well, back to hiatus.