Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Oh dear.

I am very much aware that I CAN be quite childish at times. But, oh, can't anyone see that sometimes peace can be found simply by forgetting any of our obligations? Oh my, I know I'm not quite making sense now, but.

Suppose you were a little girl once more. You don't have to live up to any expectations by anyone to excel every essay written. You don't have to think in a mtured manner. You don't have to.. to think at all.

Little girls are always expected to be that petite rosy child who has no care at all in the world, discovering it by themselves through mysterious means every one of the children always seem to know. (Yet it is a wonder how the secret is forgotten when one reaches, what they call, Adulthood.)

For some reason, I always imagine young girls to have messy yet beautiful, soft golden locks that drift about them, with eyes the colour of sapphires. They will have that healthy pink glow about them that resonates pure happiness. They wear sunhats and pretty little summer dresses that are made of soft floral fabric the colour of pale roses. And white sandals too. Oh, no makeup either, for it is all about that pretty natural look.

Well, um, haha. Ok. So you see, my little childish escapades, they usually consist of colouring in my 3 colouring books, or playing with elegant dolls, or reading those books meant for the younger readers. (For I think the best lessons can be learnt from those books, rather than from chick lit.)

I see that it probably sounds weird and all. But oh well.

I had just finished reading A Little Princess for the third time. But I know sooner or later, I'll read it again. I think it's official. That is my favouritest book.

You know that you can't live without the book/the book is good if:

-you are able to read it again and again and again without getting sick of it.
-there are parts that simply move you (I'm not kidding. Something Sara said almost made me cry. I would have, if I weren't in the courtyard. And it was my 3rd time reading it, kay?)
-you start to adopt the author's writing style, or you incorporate some phrases in your writing.
-you start to wish you lived in the story.

There's probably more, but anyway. I don't know. I only managed to figure those out. :/

Goodnight! ^^

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