Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Just read.

'Perhaps you can feel if you can't hear,' was her fancy. 'Perhaps kind thoughts reach people somehow, even through windows and doors and walls. Perhaps you feel a little warm and comforted, and you don't know why, when I am standing here in the cold and hoping you will get well and happy again. I am so sorry for you,' she would whisper in an intense little voice. 'I wish you had a "Little Missus" who could pet you as I used to pet papa when he had a headache. I should like to be your "Little Missus" myself, poor dear! Good night - good night. God bless you!'

Yeah, that was the part that almost moved me to tears. Because you see, it was very, very, very selfless of Sara to actually feel sorry for someone who had all the riches he could ever have, when it is obvious that she was in a much worse state than him. She was hungry, and tired, and cold, yet she still prayed for someone else's life, and not hers, to get better, and with much fervor at that.

But, oh, I think what was touching was how.. angelic she seemed. And that at such a tender age, she is able to be that concerned about someone she hardly knows, it amazes me. And I suppose it is quite horrid that it is lacking in our lives. And it's really very admirable, though she is a fictional character.

Haha I think I'm ranting and ranting. -.- Hehe.

But I just think that yes, I would like to be like her. Isn't that queer? To want to be like a person who never existed. Hm. :/

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