Saturday, April 2, 2011

I can feeling it clinging onto my very bones.

Weird week.
Welcome weekend.
(Weekends pass by way too fast, I swear.)


Quite an unproductive day..
Managed to do only A-Math and half of chem.
Still have Full Geog, SS, French, E-Lit and rest of chem to do.

Watched Avatar today.
It was really good.
I didn't expect it to be so.

I'm supposed to be able to control my food intake better during weekends, when the pace is more easy going.
But nooooo.
Mama is the best cook ever, and weekend meals are always the most appetizing.
So I can't help it.

Maybe weekdays are better for me.
Everywhere's a rush, and every second is filled with something to do.
That's good for keeping eating out of mind.
Especially Fridays.
Fridays are the most awesome.
There's always too little time to sit down and have a proper meal.
So, I guess I'll make Fridays the official <500 day?
It's not that hard.

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