Monday, February 7, 2011

Even angels have their wicked schemes.

Well. Chewing gum really serves as a good distraction.
And it's not like your body really takes it in!
Will have more soon.

Today was kind of bad.
Not so bad.
But not that good either.
Woke up making a list of everything I hate about myself.
Not a good start to the day, if you ask me.

And A-Math test was so ?!#@%*
Like wanna die. -.-
I'll be lucky to even scrape a pass.
It's really time to wake up.

Orientation this Thursday!
I am SO excited!
Aren't you?
Kind of like the official start of being a sec 3 cadet.

I hope I'll enjoy it more than last year, and definitely more than when I was sec 1 myself.
Nah. I think I surely will. (:

Try and touch me so I can scream at you not to touch me
Run out the room and I'll follow you like a lost puppy
Baby, without you, I'm nothing,

I'm so lost, hug me
Then tell me how ugly I am,

But that you'll always love me
-Love The Way You Lie (Part II)

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