Friday, December 21, 2012

my own prison

Okay this makes me want school to come back (I will regret this statement 2 months later, yeah I know) because my life is so what-the-actual-heck-is-even-happening-right-now-idek.

I feel kinda betrayed that there's no endoftheworld.
(S'okay, apocalypse, don't be shy, nothing to be shy about.)

I'm supposed to go run today or something like that and that plan totally, definitely didn't get killed by consumption of snacks and cake and chocolate.
Not at all.

Such a pointless post.

My mind has been sizzled by the doing of nothingness and I don't even think I can do simple calculations now, thank you.
Plus, I've forgotten how to write.

No, I've been sleeping a lot nowadays and reading fanfictions endlessly.
And sleeping in.
I don't know why, I just love my dreams.
They are fun, lovely things to have.
And at 10am, when I awaken and am not even sleepy anymore, I'd just be lying on my bed in my blankets and staring into some wall and seeing only images of whatever dream it was the hours previous and damn, I want to go back there, reality is boring and I make myself go back to sleep.
Done. It's fun.

Ok, let me just do this one last thing.

So I've been in Ziamland lately, and saw this.

Are you not reminded of this?

Excuse me for a moment please while I laugh & die at the same time.

AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAA this is too precious okay.

Okay, one last, last thing since we're on the topic of laughing.

I cannot not die from laughter with this, I just can't.
And hereafter, I bid farewell to my conscience.

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