Saturday, December 8, 2012

strumming on my heart strings

Tonight - last night, more like - I showered in the dark.
It was the first time I've done it voluntarily in the 10 years of living in this house.
It was good that I did; there was something strangely intimate about it, since it feels like you know your house that much more.

But it was also a therapeutic thing to do.
When your eyes are accustomed to darkness and there are only dark silhouettes and memory to aid you, it feels as if you are disconnected from your physical self.
Sure, you are consciously moving your limbs to get things done, but it felt like I was in my mind.
It was dark and silent - save the sound of running water - and my thoughts just got that much louder.
From lack of sight, you see and think less of your real being (that becomes more and more insignificant as that happens), and start to delve more into your soul.
Or at least, that was what it felt like.

But that is for when you want to think.
I think if I ever wanted to dissociate fully, I'd add a few lit tea-lights and have some kind of device softly playing Ed Sheeran in the background.
Also, it would be a longer shower, where I get to washing my hair.

I'd call it "Some Good Alone Time".
That would be perfect.

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