Thursday, September 26, 2013

sun hasn't died

in retrospect
I am very glad that happy thoughts was my first ever harry&louis fic
it is that perfect little start
that perfect little nudge
featuring the greatest canon
that is
harry&louis are best friends who happened to fall in love
and it is rpf
(a real-person fiction)
so you may start by understanding properly the chemistry among all the boys
in a real-life band
so it establishes this proper connection
between you (fan/reader) and them (band/characters)
before, say, you move on to an au
(an alternate universe)
where circumstances are vastly different
and thenceforth a little harder to appreciate
when you are still so unfamiliar with the real boys
at least, I think that.
anyway, happy thoughts was also considerably clean
which was absolutely and perfectly what I needed
because at that point
I probably was unable yet to acquaint myself with proper full-on smut
so all the euphemisms and implications were embraced
and either way the tension was enough to send me into a fit
so that was good.
also the writing style was the type I was accustomed enough to
(before I could get myself to broach other writing styles)
and so the whole first time experience was just
wonderful and comfortable and lovely and ugh
if you want to start reading harry&louis fics
(which I don't think you do but just in case idk)
start with happy thoughts
the greatest beginner fic in the history of harry&louis fics.

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