Wednesday, December 29, 2010

so please mamacita, please no envy

I want to cry of boredom and helplessness. DDD:

I don't want to text, 'cause I don't know. I don't wanna disturb people??



-Clean room up
-Find lost library book. )':
-Finish rest of homework which is a lot.
-Prepare school materials

Ooh. However, I am excited for school because I just love handing in the completed assignments. :')

What a funny reason.

I think I might have the flu. What date is it today? 29? Gah. 2 minutes to 30 December anyway. Does December have 31 or 30 days? 31 right?!

Let's procrastinate! I want to watch ANTM 15 Episode 7!

with clouds enveloping our feet

I am back! xD Haha, what a lovely trip. For once(?) we hit Malacca, KL & Genting in one trip. Which was cool. [:

I got almost everything I actually wanted! Especially (omgomgomgomgomgomg) one gorgeous pair of black gladiatte heels from Vincci. I am just so content/satisfied with all of the new things I have! Gladiator flats, tops, skirts, headbands, etc. What more could I ask for?

And Genting was really really awesome 'cause we finally got the yearly pass thingamy, and it came with some vouchers which included express passes for selected rides for one day, which meant we could just jump queue. And boy, did I feel like some VIP. Especially for the Cyclone where one has to wait for hm, probably 1.5 hours to get on the rides. And we just had to wait for less than a minute. C: So we managed to jump queue for that, the Pirate Ship and the Spinner, plus a few other family rides. I am such a sucker for thrill rides.

Yeah. I had fun. But for some weird reason, I kept dreaming of levelmates every night of the 5
spent there. O.o

And by some superb miracle, I killed off hmt homework of the list of to-dos on one of the nights. Haha. Ha.

Nicki Minaj's Fly (ft Rihanna) is now on radio! :D

Can someone talk to me I feel so booorrreeedddd and looneeelllyy. ))':

Thursday, December 23, 2010

you can be a sweet dream, or a beautiful nightmare

I really hope I can complete my SS by today. :S

And leave Eng till after the trip. Who cares about English, really?
Or I can do it during the trip. HA. Tough luck.

It's natural, but they seem like in-your-faces disguised as longing.
Like showing off masked as humbleness.
Discrete superiority.

I need those 6 days.

BUT how am I going to maintain my Mall World?? }; might seem small, but that's the only thing online that actually entertains me.
(Besides CF. And C&C. And ANTM on youtube.)
And I love my Mall World anyway!!
It's the only thing that keeps me happy. Haha. That sounds cheesy.
How ah? :/

Oh well. Whatever. Back to MC2. I need a translator to write it. How pathetic right? ;(

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I finally deleted all those spam messages on cbox and banned the spammers. -.- What a relief.

I better start finishing up English homework at least. :S Looks like I'm going to suffer during the Malaysia trip from guilt of not completing homework. Procrastinators never change.

I really really like Black Friday for some reason.

Sigh, whatever lah. x)


Lol I found a Nicki Minaj diss track by Lil Kim. O.o
I kinda like it, but I'm still Team Minaj so..

I have no life.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I need food........

Anyone up for some fast food? :S


haha, f you

Ok like dont ever talk to me again.
will you like get out, of my face.
I am so sick of you and you talking all that crap.
I swear like one day im soo gonna get you f-ed up so bad you wont even know yourself.
Girl, please,
I am so sick of everything you throw at me and I am so gonna make it stop.
girl, you need to stfu.
like for serious.

this must be very incredible huh?

I can actually blog on Juliet! Woww. This is majorly cool. :D
Though the screen is pretty small.. But hey, theres a reason its called the mini right?
ok. Its 1 am and I am really bored. And I cannot seem to fall asleep. ):
there are a million things bugging my mind.
I really cannot sleep.
I, for one reason, should probably stop pretending to care.
It is a library book and I don't know where I put it. )':
Stop it I know i'm dead so.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

it's whatever you say, eh.

Hehe I guess they're back from RCYC camp. :] Hope you all had fun, lol! Must tell me all about it kays? xD

Harharhar I love Shane Dawson vids. :]

Oh. I finally got a haircut so now it's pretty layered and normal-looking.


Thursday, December 16, 2010

similes, metaphors and we pop pills

Sleepover traditions are really fun.

Midnight snacks at 1am.
Visits to NTUC to get groceries.
Visits to the playground to play haunted house. (Ha.)
Playing each other's PSP & DS. (GTA FTW.)

Celebration of GMFS week.
Sleepovers at each other's house.

Huhu, we are growing up really fast..

I want more chocolate. Oh! I feel like having something cinnamon-y.
Tomorow we're off to Hushy's for pizza and a possible sleepover.

Ohoh. My SS is almost done. I have only Section C and 1 more article left. (:

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

please, im just too tired to think.

as much as i want my holidays to be full of fun and whatnot, i still want time, enough time, to just relax myself again and immerse this mind with peace. have some alone time, whatever works.

and i still want all my homework done by next friday, and that takes up more time.

honestly, i dont feel like moving around too much. i dont feel like thinking. i dont feel like doing anything.

im sorry, but i was very cranky the whole of today. it sucked.

so as of now, i really dont want anyone to badger me.

ps. thanks for playing truth or truth with me till 2am atyl.

Monday, December 13, 2010

im waitin for you, waitin, boy.

smf jpe o ;pbr yjr esu upi trgrt yp jrt sd ',u gtormf' ;olr sd og o fpmy lmpe jrt smf djr'd upitd.

Go figure THAT out, pet. ;)

these girls fall like dominoes

Siiiiiiiiiiiiiigh. Is this even possible?

I really don't like you.

And I don't even see the logic.

I just don't like you.

And you, I wish I could talk to you but it would sound so petty and selfish so why bother?

and when im in miami im with kourtney, kim and khloe.


Haha, never been as obsessed with anyone's songs ever. xD

I came to win, to fight
To conquer, to thrive
I came to win, to survive
To prosper, to rise
To flyyy
- Fly, NM ft Rihanna

Similes, metaphors and we pop pills
Sick flow inundated with the doc bills
Work hard, now we know how to top bills
In the middle of the street doing cartwheels
-2012, Jay Sean ft NM

Next thing you know, I was running down the hall
Saying please come back, I have given my all
I have given my all
It's funny how you could always make me feel small
I have given my all
-Catch me, NM

Times like these, I loovveee my life.
My homework's almost done, I'm gonna see my cousins in less than 6 hours and spend 3 whole days with them, and I have a superb cell.

Oh, and don't forget Nicki Minaj songs to occupy myself.
I wish I had her album, though. )):
Maybe I'll ask Mama 'cause she likes NM too. :D

Sunday, December 12, 2010

i wish today it will rain all day, then maybe it will kinda make the pain go away

Ahhhhhhhhhhh I really really really like Nicki Minaj songs! x)

I really really really really really really really really really do.

could you catch me i am waiting on you to catch me

Yayayayayayay we're having a sleepover at Nyai's house from tomorrow to Wednesday. ((:

With everyone, too. Ahh I am so excited. See, we rarely meet so this is a perfect opp. :D

No doubt there'll be that regular drama.

Shireen fights with Adani. Both of them sulk. Everyone tries to comfort them. Everyone gives up. They patch up themselves.


The Big 4 argue among themselves and pair up with someone else.

Haha, whatever. I'm still excited anyways.

Oh, Juliet Xperia are you okay?? ))':

Blogwalkers really irritate me..


It's too bad I can't go to Paragon today... )))):

On the other hand, I now have more time to admire my amazing new phone! :DD
Yesyesyes I finally got the Xperia X10 Mini Pro, after waiting for 2-3 years for a decent phone.
Though it's not red (it's black), I still love it. (I would love it so much more if it were red, though.)
It's so adorable I named it Juliet Xperia.

I really love my phone, ya know? ;)

Ahh... back to some homework.

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Elec Lit is finally defeated!!

I think I am actually starting to think that I can be friends with Ally. O.o
She's pretty nice.. I guess.

Friday, December 10, 2010

you see right through me

Extra mood swingy day today. Sigh. :/
I am officially obsessed with Nicki Minaj.

Ok. Maybe not obsessed. But in any case, I adore her and her songs. :]
There's just something catchy bout them, you know?

And I've decided, after much deliberation, that I would like a red Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Mini Pro. :D Just look at it! It's so.. pretty! xD

Oh oh! Today, I did half of my Elec Lit. :D

Do you think maybe I should just take things slowly and do effectively bit by bit instead of mad-rushing everything?


Thursday, December 9, 2010

like a dungeon dragon


Actually, as I listen to more of NM's songs, I've realised that they are pretty hardcore. :00
Argh. Mama, warned me. R21, she said. Lol.

Roman's Revenge (ft Eminem!) is extremely. Um.
Good for emoing/forgetting yourself.
But it's scary.
Very. Very. Creepy.
Oh wtf. Replay.

I love Nicki Minaj.

girls fall like dominoes.

I love Nicki Minaj. Her birthday was yesterday! 8 December! Cool. :]

Speaking of birthdays, it's Miselle's day today!! :D

Happy birthday Miselle Tiana Hengardi!
You are Finally Fourteen.
Stay happy forever.

Today was a moodswingy day. You know what that means right?


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Feel like having a double cheeseburger.

List of games to play if bored:
Mall World
Papa's Pizzeria
Papa's Burgeria

Blogs to read if bored:
Everyone's blogs

Books to read if bored:
Library books
A Little Princess
Things Fall Apart
Fahrenheit 451

Work to do, bored or not:
2 Malay compos
Elect Lit

Monday, December 6, 2010

you know i confuse myself, i really do.

I don't really know if I am shallow or deep.
Materialistic or simple.
Selfish or giving.
Stuck-up or humble.
Self-centered or thoughtful.

It's weird, really.

Look at this blog alone. It's so.. mixed. One moment I'm writing in that beautiful language I can lose myself in, and the next I'm gushing over a new necklace. I'll be putting across think-deep food for thoughts, and then I'll be ranting about how so-and-so is such a biatch for this-and-that.

Sometimes I do wonder what people think when they read this whole part of me.
Beause I don't know what I think of myself, either.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

you're so one in a million.

Great news! I've done Section A of SS already! It can be done under half an hour, why oh why did I procrastinate so much?! I'm so gonna finish everything by the end of the week. :]

The beach was nice, but I didn't get to in-line skate. ):
But anyway, we built a sand spa! Since there was somehow a source of water in that sand. It was nice, but we did not get round to actually officially opening it. The water kept getting shallower, and Aryan was always ruining it. D: But it still looked so pretty with the rocks and bridges. It kind of looked like a figure of 8, you know?

And something funny totally happened! There was another of these sources of water, and there was this other man. I can say he was topless and not so much on the skinny side. But you never know, he could be building his own spa. And we wondered if he was our competition. So I sent Adani on a spy mission to see what his little pool was like, when he was away. And Adani went so close to it and looked inside, and she kicked sand into it.

There are 2 problems with this.
1. She was too close! Isn't it obvious she's up to something?
2. I told her to spy on the probable spa, not destroy it.

=.= But it was funny. I had fun.
And I ate 2 popsicles today. D:
I know, I know! That's a lot!
My tongue felt so numb. :0
But they did not put the nutritional values on the wrapper, so I assume that it contains 0 calories? >:]

Hey, how many calories do inedible objects contain? Do they have any at all?

Good morning, world!

It's really 1.16pm now, ah well. But still, I wake up so late it still feels like morning. >:]
How lazy, I know.

Hahahahahahaha! Well, today we are going to the beach! How wonderful! I finally get to meet the sea again. And I really want to return all the shells I've taken from him. He would be so glad.

To not make me feel guilty, I will do more SS.

Hey, do you realise that I've always said that I would do my SS but I've never come round to actually finishing it?

You know what? Last night, I got pretty paranoid. 'Cause I thought I heard the front door opening ever so quietly, and then I started getting scared of robbers entering the house with a long parang of some sort. I don't get scared too easily, so.

And then when no one entered my room, I started thinking about all my homework and then I started panicking 'cause I have only 3 weeks left to complete everything. And then I thought of how scary it would be to go on holiday without any homework completed, like how it had always been everytime. See, I don't want to do that anymore. I've promised myself change, but.

Andand I remembered that I wanted to start studying Sec 3 stuff too! Like Geog. Jan has started. I really want to make sure my Geog is ok. Oh man. ):

List of homework:
1. Social Studies
2. Malay Compositions (There are 2, dammit)
3. English Homework (I've tried doing it once, but I just couldn't come up with anything.)
4. Elec Lit Homework
5. Start studying subjects!! Like, Geog, Math, French!

I think I've forgotten all my conjugaisons. ):

The Last Word
People getting mixed up with the different adjectives from the same root words annoy me.

Example 1:
It's 'bored' not 'boring'.
Incorrect: I am so boring.
You are saying you bore people??
Correct: I am so bored.
NOW you are saying you are bored.

Example 2:
It's 'nauseated' not 'nauseous'.
Incorrect: I feel nauseous.
You are saying you make people feel sick.
Correct: I feel nauseated.
NOW you are saying you feel sick.

Grammar is important, so is SS.
I should go now.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

367th post. Nice.

So today was pretty much the first free Saturday in weeks!

Not so for RCYC participants! Muahaha! XD
But still, hoped they had fun! HQ events are always fun. But they have only 1 contact session so.

Anyway, what did I do today?
Basically, today was. Family day.

We went to Causeway Point 'cause Adani has piano lessons there.
But after all that bustling around, we got down to the real shopping. >:]
Since Metro has this 20% off sales thing, Mama let me have one thing below 50 bucks.
So. I finally chose one bag! (Before looking at a million others. I'm so indecisive.)
It's pretty cute!
It has this nude, peachy colour(?), and has chains as the straps.
I think I might start looking at other bags now.. This one is only the first of many. >:]

And then, while walking around the mall, we stopped by this small store.
And Mama started to look at the clothes (as always).
And then, I saw this dress! It was black! Plain black! But!
It has those long sleeves, with a turtleneck, and it reaches just above my knee.
And it came with a belt which looked so awesome with it!
I really liked it, so Mama let me have it, while she got 2 other tops.
Andand it looks so.. nice! Sophisticated, you know?
And you know what it would look nice with?
I'm so gonna look for those in Malaysia, I swear.
I won't stop till I find them.

Then we went for a swim, and now I feel so bad for slacking the whole day, I'm actually gonna do my SS.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Coming clean.

Ohkay, fine, I have to say. I am so jealous of what you have.

(My flaw's over-jealousy! Can't help it!)

But, I honestly, sincerely think that you don't deserve any of that. Really.

And no use torturing your ma with the costs.


Rant post. Please DO NOT READ.

Dear x,

Why are you so into the high life when your family seems to be unable to support that kind of thing? WOW. iPhone 4 and Blackberries and expensive dos.

Seriously? Do you not understand the value of money? Now, I've read your blog and whatever and I've seen things like. 'I want to dye my hair and curl it and get a beanie and that necklace and that dress and that camera!' or '$300 please mommy. Teehee!'

Sheesh. Get a grip. Even I know that $300 is a lot. And for your family? Really, now.

And you are such a.. how to say.. little biatch.

Sounds a lot like the pot calling the kettle black, huh? But I know how to limit myself.

Stop forcing your mom to give you some cash out for all that stuff which can really be unneeded. In fact, I think. You. Are. A. Brat.


175 does NOT call for an iPhone 4, or trips to Ion, or new clothes.


Even my sisters agree that "That's what poor people do. Act rich."

Call me a coward for not telling you this in your big fake face, but oh well. Some things are just better left unsaid. ;)

Oh, and by the way, stop flirting with my cousin. It's wrong, really wrong. And I thought you had a boyfriend already, no? Oh, you guys broke up? That's sad. :'( But still, a new record! The 28th break-up, yes?

Poor thing. Hope to see you soon sweetheart! ;)

Hugs and kisses,

PS: What a pity you don't read my blog.

One productive day at last.

Not too productive, but still.

I've done SS Section B Part 1 of 5 completely. Yay.

Ok fine it was a seriously unproductive day. )):

I'm sorry.

I am a really selfish person. I've known that for a long time now, but I guess it's become even worse lately.

And I feel like such a hypocrite. I never thought I could pretend to befriend someone, because I could never stand being with a person I didn't quite like, but I guess I am kind of doing it now.

I feel so bad.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Melt me.

Ohmigosh these booties are so gorgeous! I've always wanted a pair of ankle boots kind of thing, you know? And this pair has this black heaven thing going on. They're super bold, though, and I don't think I will get anything like these anytime soon. )):

Darn! These are Caged-up cobra skin gladiator heels from Vincci and I ADORE them. They look like the pair I saw a few months ago, except that they were not cobra skin. (Or were they? I don't know. I forget. =3 ) AND they were going at half price! $44 I think, or maybe less. But I did not get them in the end because well, I had "too many pairs". I do regret not having those.

I've been dreaming of the perfect pair of shoes, and I've decided they would be a mix of the two pairs above. The colour palette would be those light brown shades of tan or oak, and it would mostly involve a light brownish colour with darker shades for highlight, like the first pair. And they would be platform wedges with the mary-jane look, since I like those three types of shoes the most. But the strap would have to be at the ankle, because I always like to have the shoe secure when I walk, you know?

Hot pink patent pumps! These are nice, really. I love how it's bold and fun and cute at the same time. I have a pair that look almost like this one, from Heatwave. It has the rounded toe design too, but mine's lime green, one of my favourites. And it has the highest heels in my collection too. :0 Around 3-4 inches high. It may not sound too high at first, until you try walking in them! I'm still learning to walk perfectly in them, yeah. Maybe I'll try 6 inches one day, haha!

Oh my, my heart's aching to get myself all the shoes I want!! DD: I think gorg pairs of shoes are my weaknesses.
Maybe next time I'll blog about my favourite cakes. ;)


So, today, I finally got a new black pen, with which I can write decently. Yay!

Tomorrow I'm going to Miselle's house with a few other people for a swim, etc etc.
I don't want to go out anymore after this week! D: I feel like a lazy pig lazing around like a pig.

Oh, I'm thinking of giving my hair a medium kind of cut. And then adding a few soft curls at the bottom, and, a side bang? I don't know but I've done my research and maybe I'll want something like this. And I've made sure it fits my round face shape so.

Mandy Moore

Oh hey there!

Somehow I don't feel like blogging nowadays 'cause I feel so useless and all not doing homework and going out all the time.

Just trying to keep this blog alive.

Oh, actually, I feel like not doing anything at all and instead, have time keep still. Yeah.