Friday, November 4, 2011

This one's for my girlfriend

Day 1- Your best friend

Dear Diary,
You're my best friend because you keep all my secrets and never tell anyone. You're wonderful and you listen to everything I

No wait, my diary isn't my bff. It's just the keeper of my soul.
(Hahaha jk.)

Dear Anis,
I am so glad that you are my sister and my best friend at the same time. I am so glad for all that we've been through, ever since you've been born. And also for all the stupid arguments we had before. They were quite dumb, no?

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm no.

Dear best friend,
By 'best friend', I mean someone whom I feel is made to be my bff, and vice versa. So I might have not found you yet. I hope we meet soon, k? I'll be mean and annoying with my flaws, but you'll get it, and I'll get your problems, and we'll argue a lot but make up again. And do all the things best friends do. Alrighty. Seeya soon, girl!


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