Thursday, November 17, 2011

you make me laugh, you make me hoarse

I had the most wonderful outing to USS with my dearest friends.
It was all so amazing.
I felt so blessed, really, no lie, to be there at that time and place.

What else was amazing.
Hm, no queues at all!
I'm still amazed by that.
What a miracle.
So I took all the thrill rides multiple times.
It was so bloody awesome.

And you know what, it felt like heaven was smiling down on us, because it didn't rain!
Ok it did, a small passing shower.
And a drizzle.
But it was sunny.
And you know, rain on a sunlit day brings good luck!

But one bad thing was that everything was overpriced.
But of course, right?
It's not a theme park for no reason..
But it was an enjoyable day nonetheless.
Very very destressing.

We took pictures with so many characters.
My favourite was the Betty Boop girl because she was SO funnily bimbotic.
"Ok girls, now follow what I do. Put your arms on your hips like this, then pop one foot out! ... That was beautiful!"
Hahahaha she said this in such a high childlike voice I felt like laughing with mirth.
She was adorable.

The rides were awesome lah, seriously.
Too bad I had to blow my nose after almost every ride.
Sucks to have a cold on that day.
But I still had a roll of toilet paper to last me the whole day.
(Caring friends stole it from Vivo for me.)
Lovely people GMH.

I know this isn't too long but I really can't further express my gratefulness for such wonderful people in my life.
I really, really felt blessed.
I couldn't believe whatever I was experiencing, but I smiled throughout the whole beautiful day.

And it was the day I started to worry less about my long-lost Cleo.

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