Monday, May 14, 2012

a reality living in the matrix

I'm excited. :)
Tonight I'm going to sleep at 10pm and it's going to be a lovely, peaceful night.

Huhhh I don't usually do that, do I?
Maybe I should get a Twitter...?
Nah, not now.

Anyway, what happened today.
Ms Song was talking about an app during Bio.
It monitors your sleeping schedule- those light and deep sleep periods- based on your movements during sleep and then wakes you up when you're in the light sleep stage so you feel good when you awaken, because when jolted from deep sleep you wake up feeling like crap.
Cool. No wonder I feel like crap most mornings.
It would be good if I had it, no?
Except I don't have an iPhone, ha.

Well I fasted today also.
Great! because now I have 5 days left to pay back.
It's funny 'cause I actually wasn't hungry the whole day.
It was really better than my normal school days because usual days I eat so little (think 10g of cereal and a fruit and water) to last for the whole day because I have no damn time to eat.
So I guess my body was used to the hunger; rejoiced, even, when I started the day with rice.

I was thinking about freedom of speech, actually.
Some point of time today that got raised up and I'm thinking
freedom of speech is a bloody paradox.
I have this huge mess in my mind right now that makes perfect sense to me but I can't make it out in words.
So I don't know where to start.

You naturally can't have freedom of speech without compromising on someone's feelings.
And you can't possibly be insensitive because that's inhumane.
So in actual fact, the whole argument about freedom of speech, for and against, is truly just a fight between what you can say and what you are supposed to say.
Is that not it?
Being able to speak of anything is not hard. As humans with the capability to talk and a mind to think, you can do that.
But it's what you can spit out and what you have to keep mum that makes up freedom of speech, isn't it?
Then there's no more freedom in speech, is there?

Do I come across right?

It's like this blog, this whole site.
I mean, it's my place, I suppose one of my establishments on the web.
I own this, do I not?
And yet I'm supposed to keep restrictions on what I write.
Think about it, ok.
It's some place you're supposed to use to expose yourself, but you're really not allowed to.
Like it's an unspoken rule.

I'm just thinking that everything is funny.
We are capable of anything, really.
(And I mean, anything.)
It's just our conscience holding us back.

Okay, I don't think I sound sane.
Oh well.
Talk to me about this in real life, I actually wanna know what you think.

Drake is still amazing.
I now have soft spots for every track on Take Care.

❤ for life.

You only want what's real, you just never found it.

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