Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I wonder why the moon looks nice

I'm tireeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed.
I sound like a whiny brat but oh, really I do feel drained.
I feel so glad for Study Camp (ahahaha so politically correct today!) because when I get home I can just jump into bed early and sleep because all my work would have been done.
I don't sleep at 12am++ every night anymore.
This here is so crude.

Am reading A Little Princess again.
And I don't know why but with every read I discover something new of it.
That book is magical.
I think I can relate to almost every character: little proud Sara; the dull, clingy, yet affectionate Ermengarde St John; sweet, timid Becky; spiteful and most disagreeable Lavinia; Lottie who is very much like a pet; and cold, fishy Miss Minchin.
I don't think I can ever get sick of it.
The beauty of it nourishes.

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