Friday, May 31, 2013

i think she's choosing it right now

Well this is fucking bullshit.
My JC life is supposed to be healthy if this is something that gives me intense emotional anxiety and dire physical exhaustion in a way that affects the way I study I'll have to weed it out..somehow.
And doesn't help that my coping mechanism is essentially dissociating, so maybe that may translate as procrastination somehow, maybe idk.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

will you still love me


choose your last words

Sometimes when I see the number of views increase and it isn't me I laugh because hey there so did I manage to entertain you with some stupid things woah there 12 views on the killjoy post do you like the gifs or idk I wish I could see your reactions to what I write sometimes that would be funny because sometimes I write nice stuff other times I write terrible things other other times it's weird like the one below this but why not you know because it's true and all and anyway how are you today I hope you've had a great day I pray that you'll have a great week June hols coming soon huh yeah but it isn't /really/ a holiday isn't it it sure isn't one for me I mean I'll be away for 2 whole weeks and the remaining 2 will be so busy I have so much to do it's ridiculous what about you well idk I hope you find some repose or something then yeah well good luck with that in the meantime look out for more dumb things on this blog but I really have some good points sometimes I have to say because it's true like the one direction ones I get really weirdly proud of them because that's what I call sad reality like everything around us because it's sad one direction is in a tough place hey speaking about one direction guess what they've sold out stadium tours scheduled in 2014 for an album not even released yet in 6 minutes yeah that's right /6/ wow I am so proud of them my pretty babies who never thought they'd make it this far but look I mean just /look/ just wow I am so proud of them no lie 3 years is all it takes and they're living their dream even with the sad things going on in their life I guess in a way so idk I'm hopelessly proud of them honest to god yeah well that's it for now keep doing your thing you awesome person and remember to be nice even when it's hard to be nice because you must remember that not everyone works the way you do ok? so you must never forget that and if you need anyone to talk to you can talk to me and stuff I mean I won't promise to give you brilliant advice but I'll try to understand you because I need to learn how to understand people too and all and remember to sleep early and focus in class because we're not learning rudimentary things anymore we /must/ concentrate and be good ok? also remember to not be judgemental because that is just horrid and now you are ready to face the world not really true I guess but hey we can all dream right?

sometimes's love (though sometimes I'd say "life" because) is not enough
and the road gets tough
i don't know why.

Monday, May 27, 2013

heart is beating in a different way

  • Friend: Oh my god I read a book once that had a sex scene in it was so weird.
  • Friend: Have you ever read anything like that?
  • Me:
  • Friend:
  • Me:
  • Friend:
  • Me:
  • Friend:
  • Me: No ew that's gross what sort of disgusting human being do you think I am how dare you accuse me of such a thing.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

gotta be you

And this isn't helping either it's making me want to cry even more, because every single word is heartbreakingly true.

round and around and around and around we go

Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhh I am getting so many feels and descending into much incoherency and One Direction hasn't made me feel like this in weeks as in I haven't been getting feels feels from them in a long time maybe it's because I haven't been immersing myself in any 1D for like one week one honest to god I didn't listen to any of their songs or read any fanfic and the furthest I went was tumblr?? so idk I am so sad getting feels let me tell you I just.

Long story short the love I have for this boyband is immense and I have so much affection for them.
These stupid five idiots.


One Direction are a bunch of fucking Hyena-children.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

place a kiss on my cheekbone

But last night/this morning I dreamt of sampling the most exquisite chocolates with intricate designs on them and they were flaked with gold - real gold! - and it was all done for my birthday in a grand hall with marble tables that had ornate, gilded legs and adornments of golden tiaras encrusted with rubies and diamonds and antique lockets and there were flowing, diaphanous curtains and stuff and *u*

When I realised what the Erl-King meant to do to me, I was shaken with a terrible fear and I did not know what to do for I loved him with all my heart and yet I had no wish to join the whistling congregation he kept in his cages although he looked after them very affectionately, gave them fresh water every day and fed them well. His branches were his enticements and yet, oh yet! they were the branches of which the trap itself was woven. But in his innocence he never knew he might be the death of me, although I knew from the first moment I saw him how Erl-King would do me grievous harm.

Sometimes he lays his head on my lap and lets me comb his lovely hair for him; his combings are leaves of every tree in the wood and dryly susurrate around my feet. His hair falls down over my knees. Silence like a dream in front of the spitting fire he lies at my feet and I comb the dead leaves out of his languorous hair. The robin has built his nest in the thatch again, this year; he perches on an unburnt log, cleans his beak, ruffles his plumage. There is a plaintive sweetness in his song and a certain melancholy, because the year is over - the robin, the friend of man, in spite of the wound in his breast from which Erl-King tore out his heart.

(A little bit from The Erl-King by Angela Carter)

Once I dreamt of a man with long, long hair of leaves and thickets, and a crown of twined brambles. Whenever he advanced towards me with an arm outstretched, his fingertips would have thorny vines shooting out of them threatening to coil around me in a merciless embrace, and in fear of getting scratched and bloodied, I could only retreat with wide, terrified eyes. And he was robed and green. Very, very green and without emotion in his eyes.
That is all.
But when I read that part in the book I am reminded of this curious man who'd tried to court me in my dreams.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

don't see how you can hate from outside of the club

Gahahahahahahah when you're happy and people try to tell you that your reasons for being happy are invalid aka killjoy.
well ummmmmm



like cirque du soleil

The past week has been curiously good, Thursday and Friday mostly.

Thursday was doused in brilliant solitude and the comfort of refreshing short stories.
And the cool, light rain was entrancing.
Also I had hot green bean soup for a meal and it was hot! and filling! and lovely! and it made me feel so warmed from the inside and I couldn't keep myself from feeling smiley and satiated.
It was a perfect day, I think.
And Friday was brilliant.
If Thursday was set aside for alone-liness, Friday had been decreed to be filled with actual proper human company (yay).
In retrospect, it was the best Friday I've ever had, and the only one that was truly #tgif worthy.
After school, the six of us tromped over (tromp is an actual word I am laughing I didn't know that!!) to mfm because Arinna had coupons and we feasted (we really did - we ordered twice).
And the evening rolled along as we sat on the grass surrounded by koi and junk and stuff and watched Othello and it ended with taking crap pictures and it was lovely, really it was.
I didn't hate any part of the play, or at least, I found no part of it that was too vulgarly erroneous.
Everything just made for a cosy get-together with bubbly friends and I don't know how anything could've changed that or made anything a disappointment.
(Not even the koi people fu screwing up our orders made me mad enough to hate how grand the evening was.)
I was a little upset when everything was over tbh, but my Friday had ended perfectly, and that was that.

and the weekend's here, started it right
even if we only get part of it right
live for the day, plan for tomorrow, party the night

Thursday, May 16, 2013

one with the sunset

What a beautiful day it had been.
I'd thought of writing about it, and the book I am reading too, because it is perfect.
But tomorrow maybe, since the hour is late and tomorrow is a long day.
Othello play :)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

we are the xany-gnashing


searching for real love

Does anyone else feel like I'm maturing in my shipping life or.

with nothing but loose ends

"Thank you The Daily Dot for that article! Really! Much appreciated! Like I did not have enough problem and shit going on in my life, you have to put the last touch in it, don’t you?! I am sure making fun of teenagers and abusing their thoughts and posts is acceptable, but for us to believe in something is unacceptable, a shame and “bullshit”. I hope you make a lot of money out of this article! xoxoxo."

And I am so, so, so sorry thisisnothem has to be involved with such moronic assholes.

all out of faith

You don't have to read this & I would've put in a Read More break if it actually existed on blogger, but it would be lovely if you did and see how deluded people can really get and shared my sentiments and/or try to console me because I am a furious mess right now.
It involves Louis & Harry's relationship, the fandom and (of fucking course) the press.

No I am SO mad rn.
This post isn't supposed to happen but where the fuck else can I do this.

The Daily Dot: One Direction fandom adds billionaire record exec to conspiracy theory

The Internet is a breeding ground for conspiracy theories—9/11 truthers, moon landing denialists, people who believe that the world is secretly ruled by an elite caste of reptiloid aliens hidden inside human flesh-suits. But for a true connoisseur, One Direction fandom provides some of the best conspiracy theories around. 
While plenty of Directioners are as reasonable as the next pop fan, some are embroiled in a cultlike belief in “Larry Stylinson”: a secret relationship between singers Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles. With many fans convinced that the band’s homophobic “Management” are forcing “Larry” into the closet, the lack of hard evidence for the relationship only proves the effectiveness of the cover-up. Never mind the fact that Tomlinson has called Larry theories “bullshit,” and Management are seemingly unconcerned about any rumours inspired by Styles’ close friendship with gay DJ Nick Grimshaw. 
As 1D conspiracy theories go, this one isn’t wholly implausible. There’s nothing to say that Clive Calder isn’t Eleanor’s father—it just doesn’t have anything to do with Larry Stylinson. If “Management” felt the need to hire a fake girlfriend for Louis Tomlinson, why would they pick the teenaged daughter of a recording executive with such a distant, tangential attachment to the band’s own record label? (Jive is a now-defunct subsidiary of Sony, 1D's label.) And what’s Eleanor getting out of this? Not money, if her father is already a billionaire. And not fame, because she and Louis are a very private couple—particularly when compared to Harry Styles’ regular appearances in the tabloids. We like the idea that the whole thing might actually be the other way round: Eleanor Calder, billionaire heiress, using her father’s money to hire famous boyband star Louis Tomlinson to be her boyfriend. 
If the popularity of the Clive Calder post proves anything, it’s that there are few things more intimidating than a 1D fan with a mission. Using the kind of obsessive detective work usually reserved for professional background checks, Larry Believers have systematically investigated a middle-aged man and his son in the hopes that it'll yield some gay conspiracy “evidence” to forward their cause. 
As Tumblr user freekicks put it, “If we told the 1D shippers that a man named jimmy hoffa had proof larry stylinson was real, they'd have his body found and dug up in 45 minutes, tops.”

I've deleted a huge bulk of their bullshit.

There's a lot of things wrong with this article.

1) You're a journalist.
I am so glad you have your ability to write in a non-biased manner - albeit on the topic of pop culture, on a site meant for pop culture - in check.
It makes you so credible.

2) You actually took the time to try to disprove the fact that there is something fishy going on behind the scenes where the use of common sense in interpreting what is happening in this stupid-ass band can and will point otherwise.
What the fuck, journalist dearest, do your fucking homework - I suggest taking notes from the shippers.
We certainly do ours; our beliefs aren't fucking unfounded.

3) "embroiled in a cultlike belief" Well excuse the fuck outta me if larry shippers are merely reading the signs that are nuclear-radiating from these two, who are banging so hard on the insides of the closet door made of crystal fucking glass.

4) You, as a means of communication to the mass public, did not have to throw shade on the girls trying to shed light on the truth.
Shame on you.

With many fans convinced that the band’s homophobic “Management” are forcing “Larry” into the closet, the lack of hard evidence for the relationship only proves the effectiveness of the cover-up. Never mind the fact that Tomlinson has called Larry theories “bullshit,” and Management are seemingly unconcerned about any rumours inspired by Styles’ close friendship with gay DJ Nick Grimshaw. 

I'm going to have to correct you on this.
- Modest! isn't explicitly homophobic; they work on the fact that much of the world is
- Larry's forced into the closet to create this "straight & attainable" image of all the boys
- Larry's forced into the closet?? Fuck yes, else explain the stark lack of photos/news of Harry and Louis ever hanging out together by themselves, as compared to the bountiful paps of other pairings.
The need for Harry to ask for permission to shake Louis' hands on stage, whilst able to freely embrace his other band mates whenever, whereever.
- Lack of hard evidence are you fucking kidding me. wellington/matching tattoos/mysterious lovebites when 1d are on tour/multiple outings by close friends aka ed and nick grimshaw/matching fucking tattoos really.
- Louis Tomlinson does not think Larry is "bullshit", @Louis_Tomlinson does
- Harry & Nick are friends, of course Gryles rumours won't threaten Modest! - there isn't an actual risk of them being together, why would they care. Modest! does nothing to suppress Nosh (Niall & Josh their drummer) shippers either (and Josh actually tweets it so blatantly). This is because Nosh is not an actual relationship; it is not an actual obstacle to Modest!'s money-making plots. Nosh wouldn't ruin One Direction's image like Larry probably would if they came out (4/5 of a band taken, 2/5 of the band gay & off-limits to girls forever, just imagine that)

" she and Louis are a very private couple"
Excuse you.
If there's two things that don't mix I'm pretty darn sure it would be "Elounor" and "private".
Have you actually seen Eleanor's twitter.
Just how many ads/promotions is she making.
Remember that time Louis & Eleanor took a picture in matching coca-cola PJs and posted it on instagram, but the pictures got deleted after modest! broke contract with that company, and now have one with pepsi instead.
Remember those many many many times they talked about Yorkshire Tea on twitter.
Remember Topshop.
Remember Starbucks.
Remember how they are always pap-ed, even in the French airport where pap-ing is absolutely forbidden by law.
(Meaning the paps knew they were there and were given permission to snap photos of them.
Meaning the whole outing was planned by management.)
Contracts & deals.
That's what Elounor is.

If you think I'm treating One Direction like it is a conspiracy theory, that's because it is one.
Learn to never believe all that you read.
If I tried explaining the whole of One Direction it would take me days and literal hundreds of entries.
(The Reasons Why Larry Stylinson is Real Masterpost took me days to read and several crashes to endure, but it was eye-opening, logical and worth it, though it still lacks some information, as detailed as it is.
That's how complicated One Direction is.)
One Direction is not what it is made out to be in the media, and the fact that so many out there are in denial of this is scary.

Of course I will write more about this in other future entries.
There's a lot under the 1D/Larry umbrella.
And this isn't even taking my feelings/emotions into consideration.
I am merely taking facts (unbiased facts) and making the most likely conclusions wherever they are due.

But my beliefs are unshaken.
If I get doubts...seriously.
Multiple pairs of matching tattoos ffs.
Sexual tension/innuendo is good enough to show these two aren't exactly dictionary-definition of "straight" either.
You don't get turned on by your best friend guys I'm just saying.

Okay I've burnt out and I'm going to sleep this agitation off.
I'm not supposed to be up till 1 in the morning writing about One Direction.

It's just really disconcerting how people think we are the delusional ones.
*waits patiently for Larry to come out*
*anticipates future bragging rights*

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

she was warm, she came around

Ah yes finally, my first book in w e e k s.
You might think me deranged for doing this in the midst of a loaded week, but oh, ought you blame me?
I am quite parched I think, of reading material that is not the newspapers or comprehension passages or othello or waterland or fanfiction.
And it is a lovely book that - like every other beautiful thing in my life - I chanced upon with light, curious fingertips.
It was just there and it is perfect in the way that it is thin with feuilles of short rewritten fairytales, in the most ornate, Romanesque language and.
And I'm in love with it :(
Also, the first story is The Bloody Chamber (a spin-off of Bluebeard), and it's a bloody scary version so how amazing is that, really.
Scary and eerily beautiful because it's been rewritten in a more dark, adulterated manner and it roped in the whole sexuality theme, and there is so much to think about in it.
'There is striking resemblance between the act of love and the ministrations of a torturer,' opined my husband's favourite poet; I have learned something of the nature of that similarity on my marriage bed.
I wish I were more eloquent and clever with my language to express how much I loved this piece of prose, but alas.
(Is this what happens when you read too much fanfiction??!!)

You know, sometimes I think one of the worst things of leaving a school is how you may never leave it with the satisfaction of having read every single book in the vast collection of its library.

Monday, May 13, 2013

take a walk on the wild side

Am not gonna lie, I don't think I regret being a larry shipper or a one direction fan (not gonna say directioner because ugh).
Ever since December of '12, good things have been happening for me.
Here's another list.

1. Complete understanding that the music industry is an ugly place. (or complete enough, anyway.)
PR stunts, manipulations, the imposing of certain images on the boys for the sake of making big money.

"Haylor"'s too obvious on the PR STUNT list.
First 'date' at the very public Central Park in New York City accompanied by Harry's stylist and her family?
'Romance' (short-lived one, at that) starting right before 1D & Taylor Swift's world tours and around the time Taylor's new single would be released, the same single that could be manipulated enough to make it seem like it's about Harry?
Morning 'walk-of-shames' out the front door of Taylor's hotel when enough care can be taken to sneak Harry the least overt way possible (IF they were even sleeping together)?
Yeah, I call bullshit too.
Thank god they broke the contract/agreement.

The boys are marketed as this group of sweet, innocent baby-faced lads when hahaha no.
I still don't get why so much of their merch features their 2011 selves.
(We see what you're doing, modest!.)
That's not them, they're more than their monikers.
It's 2013, I think they've progressed enough from their fetus days.
And the truth is the boys aren't normal people; they aren't your "typical boys-next-door"; they're not "attainable".
But that's what the media/management wants you to think.
That's how they milk every penny they can from these boys - by tapping on the very desires of screaming teenage fangirls with wedding fancies, on that maybe-just-maybe-he'd-fall-in-love-with-a-fan hope.
And you know what would shatter this image of attainability, therefore reducing this crazed interest in the boyband?
If one of them was gay.
(Lbr we can safely say there's two of them.)

I just really don't like their management, yeah?

2. I haven't been any gay-er ever since Larry.
No, m'not gay.
It's just I've never been more supportive of equal rights ever.
I don't know, it's just.
Tumblr has made me so much more open to all this.
Yeah, thanks for showing me that love sees past gender.

3. You're part of a big damn community.
Do you want to know how many people believe in larry?
Based on a poll, uh, more than 14, 000, 000.
Yeah, that's right.
Fourteen million.
Among whom are people who've been married for twenty years and women who've raised children so I think they'd know pretty damn well what love might look like.
So if you know Larry's real we're friends without question.

4. Acquaintance with so much more good music.
Is that ironic or.
Being part of the 1D fandom's opened doors to amazing music, not gonna lie.
It's funny because the boys' music tastes are definitely not what constitutes the music on their albums.
And One Direction fans are really indie music fans who have no idea what they're doing here.
Well anyway.
I got the xx from a larry post someone made.
And with words unspoken
A silent devotion
And like hey I love this song what's the group called oh the xx let's listen to a couple other songs they have on youtube and then bam!.
And Frank Ocean.
I knew his song Thinking About You, and I l o v e d it but not much else, and then ocean sequence happened and bam! I have to listen to his other songs and bam! here I am.
And there's The Fray, and Ed Sheeran, and Emeli Sande.

I just really hate modest!management okay.
Poor, overworked, exploited boys.
So you see.
I'm a little conflicted.
Do I want to watch their 3D movie?
Do I want to support the fact that the whole movie is probably scripted and their getting-mobbed scenes were encouraged and "This is" definitely NOT "Us"?
Yeah, probably not.

Harry & Louis' twitcam from years ago though.
I firmly believe that they are two best friends who were fated to fall in love.
and the tears stream down my face.

Also, the entire larry fandom is biting its nails, teetering on the edge of its seat.
We think something big larry-related will happen by the end of the year.
I mean, the recent influx of larry-suspicion articles can't be a coincidence, no?
Looks like modest! forgot to give out a few paychecks..
*prays it is them coming out*

Sunday, May 12, 2013


"should of"
I t p h y s i c a l l y h u r t s .

inspiration has run dry

Now I have two lit essays to do and they're both due tomorrow.
And I may like my Othello classes but that doesn't mean I like my Othello tutor.
jfc why must she be so anal about shit.

I've just realised what I'd said.

don't seem to know or seem to care

#But soft! what light through yonder window breaks? #It is the east and Louis is the sun

o h m y g o d .

turn me into literature

I love lit.
I really, really love lit.
I like what texts we're delving into now.
Othello speaks of the individual and the society, of the thin line between the private and the not.
And Iago's character is fascinating.
(Not that I know of it enough just yet but still.)
Waterland; you think of The Common Man living in monotony.
It's relevant, really.
I just.
When your mind gets blown during lessons or lectures and you get this..feeling blooming in your very depths, I mean.
That's the reason I take lit right there.
Though I wish I've had a little more practice with Shakespeare.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

by mistake or design

Oh god.
I think I've fallen quite in love with Lana Del Ray's music now.

Friday, May 10, 2013

need someone to put this weight on

Here's a list substantial enough to actually be one.

Weird shit I do (or don't do, whatever fits) because too mainstream:

1. Using correction fluid not tape
2. Never using green pen for corrections
3. Skipping first tracks of many albums (that means A Team, WMYB, LWWY because overexposed; Superbass, Starships included although not first tracks)
4. No iProducts for me (oh never, never!)
5. Not using those Signo Uni-Ball pens everyone loves
6. Not liking McDs (even though I eat junk like that a lot :((((((( )
7. Eating Kinder Bueno White not the original one
8. Using double punctuation (!! and ?? and ..) not single not triple

I know I'm weird ok.

Monday, May 6, 2013

gonna pop some tags

Well today I had the pleasant misfortune of dealing with some judgemental pricks and it's been bugging me the entire day.
How do I start this most civilly.

Listen here you little shit, but you would have to explain this to me, because I can never understand how or when music preferences have become a reason for one to be looked down upon.
Or really, in your words, "I'm judging you for this."
Superbass and Stupid Hoe do not constitute who Nicki is.
But if you think that the 3-year love I have for her music and what she does is unfounded, you cannot possibly be anything other than moronic because I am not one to commit mindlessly.
All you have actually heard is 7 minutes of two different sides to Nicki and......?
You've completely, deliberately pushed away Here I Am, Save Me, Marilyn Monroe, fucking Freedom that was an actual single, Hold Yuh, Can Anybody Hear Me and you are still tripping your dumb asses over how she isn't a good person.
I just don't get it??
Verse on Girl on Fire and y'all are still dissatisfied like get. a. grip.
(angst angst angst)
Well I am sorry, but Nicki has pulled me through tons of shit when no other artistes could.
And yes, I say she is an artiste because friendly reminder that Nicki started out as a female rapper, but now she's delving into pop (I think this is quite discernible) and if you think this is not applaudable you need your cranium checked (if you get this reference good for you).
Which other female rapper can you name off your head this very moment that's smashing up   the industry in both r&b and pop genres?
Chances are you came up with nothing.
See, that's because every other female rapper that's ever existed - lil kim, missy elliot, eve, on and on and on - had stuck to the rap genre and that is it. full stop. rip careers.
Not Nicki, no, she's a brave woman who's done something unprecedented, knows the importance of higher education, actually loves her barbz, I mean I don't know what's not to love about her.

And the importance of her in my life I cannot stress enough because who else has empowered me like she has.
Who else has told me that sometimes being a bitch isn't bad, that being a bitch doesn't necessarily mean being mean and ratchet, that maybe it is about speaking your mind, up for yourself and knowing where the line is drawn and understanding that you do not exist to be trodden on.
(Thank you I'm The Best & Still I Rise & Wave Ya Hand & a million other tracks.)
Nicki encapsulates that idgaf part of me that everyone needs at some point of time in their lives.
That's Roman; Roman is my angry demon.
Roman is Monster & Roman Holiday/in Moscow/'s Revenge & Out of My Mind.
Without Roman I'd punch walls and tear paper up.
Without Nicki there is no Roman.

I don't know, Nicki just makes me feel really, really, really good and nothing she does can make me hate her because she means more to me than just Superbass and Stupid Hoe.
This is something I find hard to phrase in a comeback, I guess, so here are some things to make up for that.
I cannot explain in explicit, definite forms why I love Nicki that much, I just do.

as long as they understand that
i'm fighting for the girls that never thought they could win.

Also this is me trying to put in my two cents on why no one should be defined solely by what they listen to.
You should not give a fuck if I find myself quite unable to quit my listening to Selena Gomez's new single, just because you think she "can't sing".
Okay, pause.
Do you actually think I don't know that.
Do you also actually think that is a legit reason to forbid someone from listening to a song.
Excuse you. 
What even.
I just.

Okay, this makes me so mad.
What is wrong with listening to some mindless pop now and then.
Doesn't mean I'm a diehard brainwashed follower of the pop (cult)ure.
Because I'm sure as hell I will never survive concentrated bubblegum pop - why do you think I listen to not-mainstream music.
(Hold your remarks about 1d, if you please.)
But why should it bother you what people listen to.
Why is it a felony for me to like Chris Brown's music just because he hideously beat up a woman.
Me loving what he puts out isn't the same as me advocating domestic violence.
Me loving Taylor Swift's music isn't the same as me liking the artiste herself.
Me loving One Direction isn't the same as me being an immature, delusional, pubescent tween who has wedding plans with every member of said boyband.

Repeat after me.
A person isn't what he/she listens to.
What he/she listens to only represents one part of a person.

Well, there's that.

Which brings me to my next point, that is a bit more obviously related to hating on someone just because they listen to some kind of music.
If you don't know by now, Drake is in absolute hate with Justin Bieber.
(I'm talking about Drake Bell from Drake & Josh, not my YMCMB Drake because he doesn't have time for shit like that.)
No, actually, he just hates the fans.
Look his twitter up.
It was funny at first, I mean, yeah, beliebers fgs smdh.
But today, in mocking jest, he retweeted one of the fans' tweets ("Swag." I mean come on now) and damn.
That 12-year-old is now getting tons of hate from Drake's fans.
A 12-year-old.
Getting hate.
Because of what a 26-year-old did.
We need to take a step back here and realise that there's a million things wrong with this picture.
I just?? I mean???
Poor girl who was just casually loving Justin Bieber?????
Suddenly subjected to online bullying????????
Just because she likes loves JB?????????????

Dear Drake Bell, 
You're a grown-ass man.
Your twitter page seems dedicated to throwing shade on fans of a guy many years your junior.
Are you sure you have your priorities sorted.
wtf are you even doing.

I mean, o.k.a.y. beliebers aren't the friendliest or nicest people, but h.o.n.e.s.t.l.y.
What, are you promoting a notion of a hate-filled society.
Should it matter to you how idiotic JB fans are.
Have you never heard of the turn-around-and-walk-away move or.

There will be an abrupt ending to this post because I burnt out.
And no, this rant isn't an accurate measure of my maturity.

But really, will you not consider what I've been going on about?

(Also is it ironic how this basically revolves around pop culture??)