Monday, May 6, 2013

gonna pop some tags

Well today I had the pleasant misfortune of dealing with some judgemental pricks and it's been bugging me the entire day.
How do I start this most civilly.

Listen here you little shit, but you would have to explain this to me, because I can never understand how or when music preferences have become a reason for one to be looked down upon.
Or really, in your words, "I'm judging you for this."
Superbass and Stupid Hoe do not constitute who Nicki is.
But if you think that the 3-year love I have for her music and what she does is unfounded, you cannot possibly be anything other than moronic because I am not one to commit mindlessly.
All you have actually heard is 7 minutes of two different sides to Nicki and......?
You've completely, deliberately pushed away Here I Am, Save Me, Marilyn Monroe, fucking Freedom that was an actual single, Hold Yuh, Can Anybody Hear Me and you are still tripping your dumb asses over how she isn't a good person.
I just don't get it??
Verse on Girl on Fire and y'all are still dissatisfied like get. a. grip.
(angst angst angst)
Well I am sorry, but Nicki has pulled me through tons of shit when no other artistes could.
And yes, I say she is an artiste because friendly reminder that Nicki started out as a female rapper, but now she's delving into pop (I think this is quite discernible) and if you think this is not applaudable you need your cranium checked (if you get this reference good for you).
Which other female rapper can you name off your head this very moment that's smashing up   the industry in both r&b and pop genres?
Chances are you came up with nothing.
See, that's because every other female rapper that's ever existed - lil kim, missy elliot, eve, on and on and on - had stuck to the rap genre and that is it. full stop. rip careers.
Not Nicki, no, she's a brave woman who's done something unprecedented, knows the importance of higher education, actually loves her barbz, I mean I don't know what's not to love about her.

And the importance of her in my life I cannot stress enough because who else has empowered me like she has.
Who else has told me that sometimes being a bitch isn't bad, that being a bitch doesn't necessarily mean being mean and ratchet, that maybe it is about speaking your mind, up for yourself and knowing where the line is drawn and understanding that you do not exist to be trodden on.
(Thank you I'm The Best & Still I Rise & Wave Ya Hand & a million other tracks.)
Nicki encapsulates that idgaf part of me that everyone needs at some point of time in their lives.
That's Roman; Roman is my angry demon.
Roman is Monster & Roman Holiday/in Moscow/'s Revenge & Out of My Mind.
Without Roman I'd punch walls and tear paper up.
Without Nicki there is no Roman.

I don't know, Nicki just makes me feel really, really, really good and nothing she does can make me hate her because she means more to me than just Superbass and Stupid Hoe.
This is something I find hard to phrase in a comeback, I guess, so here are some things to make up for that.
I cannot explain in explicit, definite forms why I love Nicki that much, I just do.

as long as they understand that
i'm fighting for the girls that never thought they could win.

Also this is me trying to put in my two cents on why no one should be defined solely by what they listen to.
You should not give a fuck if I find myself quite unable to quit my listening to Selena Gomez's new single, just because you think she "can't sing".
Okay, pause.
Do you actually think I don't know that.
Do you also actually think that is a legit reason to forbid someone from listening to a song.
Excuse you. 
What even.
I just.

Okay, this makes me so mad.
What is wrong with listening to some mindless pop now and then.
Doesn't mean I'm a diehard brainwashed follower of the pop (cult)ure.
Because I'm sure as hell I will never survive concentrated bubblegum pop - why do you think I listen to not-mainstream music.
(Hold your remarks about 1d, if you please.)
But why should it bother you what people listen to.
Why is it a felony for me to like Chris Brown's music just because he hideously beat up a woman.
Me loving what he puts out isn't the same as me advocating domestic violence.
Me loving Taylor Swift's music isn't the same as me liking the artiste herself.
Me loving One Direction isn't the same as me being an immature, delusional, pubescent tween who has wedding plans with every member of said boyband.

Repeat after me.
A person isn't what he/she listens to.
What he/she listens to only represents one part of a person.

Well, there's that.

Which brings me to my next point, that is a bit more obviously related to hating on someone just because they listen to some kind of music.
If you don't know by now, Drake is in absolute hate with Justin Bieber.
(I'm talking about Drake Bell from Drake & Josh, not my YMCMB Drake because he doesn't have time for shit like that.)
No, actually, he just hates the fans.
Look his twitter up.
It was funny at first, I mean, yeah, beliebers fgs smdh.
But today, in mocking jest, he retweeted one of the fans' tweets ("Swag." I mean come on now) and damn.
That 12-year-old is now getting tons of hate from Drake's fans.
A 12-year-old.
Getting hate.
Because of what a 26-year-old did.
We need to take a step back here and realise that there's a million things wrong with this picture.
I just?? I mean???
Poor girl who was just casually loving Justin Bieber?????
Suddenly subjected to online bullying????????
Just because she likes loves JB?????????????

Dear Drake Bell, 
You're a grown-ass man.
Your twitter page seems dedicated to throwing shade on fans of a guy many years your junior.
Are you sure you have your priorities sorted.
wtf are you even doing.

I mean, o.k.a.y. beliebers aren't the friendliest or nicest people, but h.o.n.e.s.t.l.y.
What, are you promoting a notion of a hate-filled society.
Should it matter to you how idiotic JB fans are.
Have you never heard of the turn-around-and-walk-away move or.

There will be an abrupt ending to this post because I burnt out.
And no, this rant isn't an accurate measure of my maturity.

But really, will you not consider what I've been going on about?

(Also is it ironic how this basically revolves around pop culture??)

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