Friday, November 12, 2010


Ahaha. My combi is C3. Come on. I didn't even OPT for C3. My choices are like only.


Where did C3 come from?

Full Geog.

Really, now.

Then again, what if I suddenly decide next year that I hate Shakespeare?? Then how?

What if I appeal, then I get Full Lit, then suddenly I HATE Full Lit, and then what?

But then again.

What if I appeal, and get it, and ENJOY it?

And if I don't, I'll never know.


Did you know that I'm a very very very bad person?

1 comment:

  1. at least same combi as meh! :D me and my friend are gg shopping tmr for GMFS room stuffs (she buying for me as birthday prezzies.) not the ex. stuffs tho..
