Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Do you want to know what I REALLY want?

An apology. A sincere one.

This.. thing here doesn't even bother.

Look. I've already had to deal with one immature toddler.

And you KNOW that.


And you just HAD to add on to the list, right?


What emotions have you garnered so far?

No, I don't see anything.

1. You have dragged me into this. WHAT ON EARTH DID I DO TO HAVE ME IN THIS SITUATION?

2. You disgraced yourself, us, in public. Are you seriously THAT stupid? Look, I know Math and Science simply fails you, but really. Making yourself sound like a self-centered, whiny, spoilt brat?

3. I do not deserve to be punished alongside you. I have enough sense to act in a proper manner.

Want a timeline?

l-----------------------------------l --------------------------------------------------l
(Slip)___________________(Scolding)___________________ (End of punishment)

(I didn't know of anything) <- (I was only informed then) Period of unjust punishment->

You say it's a lesson. And I should have talked to her.

HOW do I do that when I did not even KNOW it existed, huh? So. What am I punished for, really?

Whatever, I won't mind if I get grounded and am not allowed to use the laptop. (I'm breaking the rules, so what.)

But the fact that she does not even bother? REALLY? Is she that insensitive?

No sincere 'sorry'? The only sorry-s came after she got slapped, that b. They were forced and so emotionless.

Trying to save face only.

How many times this year have I encountered people like this?

I just need to escape.

And no, I'm sorry, but no one will be able to hear me out on this one.

I don't even know where I stand, or what I really want.

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