Monday, November 22, 2010

Step to the beat of my heart..



Anyway, it was waaay better than I expected, because I thought I would DIE. Ah, I don't know how to explain this. There's just too much! :S Ok, maybe I say the best parts of each day. :D

I thought first day was the best day of all.
I found a 5 cent coin in the backyard! And I decided immediately it would be my little lucky charm for camp. (:

Confidence runway was fun! (: Everyone had to dress in their best outfit and walk down the runway. I got to walk to Like A G6, how lucky. (: (We should totally do that for June camp next year so it would be more fun.)

We had this super awesome game thing called Exercise Unity where everyone was broken up into 14 different groups made up of people from the 3 different specs. And we were supposed to escape from a dangerous war zone to a safe area. And lucky me had Amanda in the same group!! Ah! Finally, you know, some company after being so alone.. Since Jan had Xuan Yi and Alyssa had Amanda and vice versa.

Yeahyeah, ok. So Exercise Unity was something that interested me because it included little activities from the 3 different specs. Like, you need to build a bridge(OA), evacuate casualties(Evac), command a squad(FD) and the people specializing in the diff specs cannot do their specific activities. Plus many others. And the best part was it had a storyline! How interesting yes? And it was late at night so it was very dark and that was what made it so awesome. :D (We should totally do that for next year's June camp too!)

Ok, so Day 2 was nice too. Went for a Hike and made a catapult using poles and strings, how interesting. :D

And the campfire was great! Haha! Aisyah Ma'am and Marsya Ma'am came down and we got to have a 'slack' dinner where you can catch up with your batchmates. And we did! (: I was so glad.

Oh, and I finally got to have a bath because I didn't on day 1. I have to admit, I took my time. (Heh.) Because 1, the bathroom wasn't crowded. And 2, the water was so.. lovely.

By Day 3, I really felt quite at home at the campsite. Heh.
And, ooh. One more lucky thing happened to me! When Hadi Sir borrowed my manual, he left something in there. :0 He left the proposed list of lanyard receivers for OA and Evac. :O So.. I accidentally saw some names. But I returned it anyway. :/

Darn, I have so much to do! A UIP Report, and A4's lesson plan. ): That's a lot.
Sigh. Never mind. I can really say that I've learnt so so much. And since they kept drilling OA skills and knowledge and you have to teach it anyway, I can actually remember stuff. :D

I am really glad I signed up. :]

And since I had less than 8 hours of sleep overall, Papa allowed me to have a nice long one yesterday from 4pm till 9am today.

Haha, this is loong. But I really don't know how else to say I enjoyed UIP very much.


:D Kay that's all!

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