Sunday, November 7, 2010

Fairytales don't always have a happy ending, do they?

I'd never been that full. DX

A full plate of nasi briyani from some wedding reception we had to attend first.
Another plate full of desserts.
Many many scoops of ice-cream at Swensen's.
Half a plate of Spaghetti to wash it all down.

What was I? Crazy?
Wonder how much calories I've taken in today. >.< Bleh.
(I say much, not many, 'cause I bet the amount's uncountable.)
Tomorrow I guess I'll start on my HMT homework, then, my math. Oh man. ):
But Ima study at the Patio! :D At least that would be fun, yes?

Pet Peeve 3: If you cannot pronounce French words properly, please don't even attempt to. Eg. Excusez-moi is NOT the same as 'excusay MOY'. It's more like, 'excusay-mwah'. Yeah? That guy from UIP on Saturday should read this. :/

I need to be with myself in center, clarity, peace and serenity

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