Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Put your number two's in the air if you did it on em

Today was interesting, no reason.
I got all my results back already.
I'm kinda mad, in a heart-wrenching way.
I missed A2 for 5 damn subjects by max 2 marks.
Bio, SS+Lit, A-Math, E-Math, English.
I am stupid for missing A2 for Bio and the Maths and English.
They were all care-effing-less mistakes that cost me my 1 mark.
If I had NOT made the mistakes, I could have reduced my L1R5 by 5.
5 is heck of a lot.
My only A is the A2 for HML.
If I had studied my idioms, for which I got 0/10, I could have gotten an A1 extremely easily.
Bloody hell.
My French is an overall B3.
That's the worst result I had ever gotten for French in my history of understanding the language.
But whatever, I expected it.

I put down people a lot for typing posts like this one, 'cause I always think it makes them sound so nerdy and all.
But now, I know how they feel.
It sucks, because now my L1R5 is an 18, instead of a nicer 12 or 13.
Which would have been a wonderful improvement for me.
Also, if I had gotten A2 for my maths, Ms Lau would have been so proud of me for improving by leaps and bounds.
But no.
That didn't happen.
So she is NOT proud of me.

I am still really upset for my Bio.
1 mark for a careless mistake cost me an f-ing grade.
Oh God, I am such a disappointment.

I think I should shower now, and then watch a Nicki Minaj special on E! that I am so excited for to make me feel better.
I am thrilled.
Come to Singapore, please, Nicki!
I swear I will cry if I ever see her.
She made me cry so many times already.

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