Friday, October 7, 2011

Thunder & Lightning

Oh my, the thunderstorm outside just ended.
And the sky has returned to its everyday evening hues of pink and violet, so much different from the rebellious orange less than an hour ago.

So the rain has stopped completely, but the air left behind feels so crisp and clear and cool.
It's a really nice change from the thunder and lightning that roared and flared just now.
It was really scary, the thunderstorm.
I felt so childish as I cringed and cowered with palms over my ears but the storm just terrified me.

When they happen in the morning, they always wake me up.
It is really so very unsettling to have been woken up in the middle of the night, as a thunderstorm crashes outside your window, with no one else awake because you are always the one who awakens during a storm.
And as you try to go back to sleep, you can't because you can still see the light flashing beyond your closed eyelids and a sharp roll of thunder may come in a split second.
I put the blanket over my head, but that doesn't help either.

Know what I mean?

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