Friday, February 3, 2012

angel on my left, devil on my right.

This week was crappy, I can't deny that.
Next week would be worse, of course.
Starting from tomorrow it would be, and it would stay that way for the next 8 days.

Well anyway, rants are rants and they have to be let out.

This whole week, without a single doubt, the most amazing thing I've had to listen to was that 'boys who pierce their ears are ugly'.
You wanna know why?
Because 'it shows they are rebellious and rebellious people are ugly on the inside, so they must be ugly on the outside no matter what'.

Well you know what?
Screw you.
For being so narrow-minded, and generalising people like that.
And not seeing the beauty in everything.
So sad to say but it's people like you that make the world ugly.
The power of this ugliness is freakishly beautiful, but whatever.
That's not the point!
The point is, that you said that, and you don't even fucking know him!
You don't watch their vlogs, you don't try to see his good attributes which you just wave away because he pierced his ears.

He pierced his ears, so he is a rebel.
He is a rebel, so he is ugly.

Come on, nigga, is you trickin or what?

I incessantly swear in my head so I am always rude.
My sister is in a neighbourhood school so she must be a stupid minah.
Girls with short skirts and ankle socks and pink bags are bimbos.
People who cut are just plain dumb.
Many rappers broke laws before so they're completely horrible role models?

So, is that what you think too?

So it's a rebellion.
To what?
Rebellion to a strictly gender-role society which in reality does not half-exist anymore?
Defiance to religion?
What exactly?
Can you explain that??

What's wrong with it actually?
Do you really want this perfectly law-abiding community?
Where's the fun?
The thrill?
What the hell will life be about if all it preaches is to be compliant to rules, to not experiment with what there is, to not make shit mistakes you'll regret later?

Really, really?
Do you really want that?
That's total BS.

I hate that and so I will never follow that.

My life is boring, ok.
It is mundane and so..urgh.
Time to time, I do break school rules.
But subtly, and not in such an obvious way that it leads to a booking.
I don't know why really, it is just really a guilty pleasure.
You know you're doing something you are forbidden to -- that feeling is incredible.
My limits for breaking rules is that it must never compromise on anyone but myself.
I deal with the consequences of my actions.

Ok ok, back to topic.
Guys piercing their ears -- nothing wrong with that yo.
No one's getting killed for that.
I like guys who do that and can still pull the look off.
That's just too cute.

Can people just be less uptight about everything?
Can't you just have fun with your life and stop being so obsessed with shit?
Loosen up, for god's sake please!
Break rules and don't get caught.
Do something reckless.
Be a bitch.
Someone calm, cool, collected is always amazing.

I really still don't get how a rebel is an ugly person.
I guess he just found a way to live his life.
Don't have to find problems with that.

So yes, don't be so straight.
Be open-minded, please?

I hate judgemental attitudes too.
Why can't they just see from both perspectives, right?

It's like the only person I could fully tolerate for the past week was Farah.
Bless her soul, really.
She was like an angel.
Thank god I could rant to her about stuff and stuff.
And how she got me was brilliant.
She's amazing, I can talk to her about anything and not be judged or whatever.
I don't know, it is so easy to talk to her about some things.
She just has this attitude that I like, ok?
So unlike the detrimental ones of some people, the ones that confine me into myself and force me to bite my tongue, hold my horses.
Because it might have been controversial, what I wanted to speak about.

This is not hating on anyone, it's just me venting out my frustration.
Ok? Don't be mad..
If you know whoever was involved in this post, don't meddle, I plead.
Just read, understand, and keep it in.

I read Nicolette's blog too and she wrote about how she hated people looking in her notebook.
I totally understand how she feels.
My (amazing) planner is actually really filled with expletives.
It's not that I am thinking in curse, it's just that on every day in the planner, there is almost always a line from a song that expresses perfectly my mood for that day.
And if that line happens to be an explicit one from a rap, then so be it.
I just write it down because I had already decided I can write whatever the hell I want in my planner.
And I have this whole section reserved for Nicki quotes.
Some people cringe when they find that page because well..
Don't get offended if you decide you want to see my planner k!
Or think that I'm some shallow bitch.
Because that would suck.

Today I went to Orchard Central after the long day with the fam.
It was an unexpected outing and they only told me after I was done with French, when I was wishing only for a nice long rest at home.
I was irritated.
Anyway, I did something fun at the OC.
It was amazingly childish and such a lovable experience.
And I only did it because the place was almost deserted.
Anis and I, we kinda played catching in the mall, went up and down the many glass elevators, visited shops for no reason, pretended we were royalty descending staircases, hid and sought near escalators.
You get me.
It was amazing.
I wish I could do that with my friends, but they would never.
Anis played catching at Northpoint with her friends before -- I am jealous.

That's it.
That's what I wanted to get off my chest.
Tomorrow marks the start of a long, excruciating week so goodnight!

Oh before that, this one is for your mindset.
Because really.
Y U mad?

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