Friday, April 27, 2012

I was falling hard with an open heart

Long days and late nights.
Today I used all the ways I can think of to keep myself awake in class.
It was crazy, crazy.
I felt like the walking dead.
It was a terrible day btw, yes.
But I'll just throw this list out.

Guide To Staying Awake
1. Eat sweets 24/7.
Minty ones like Polo and Mentos mints are the best, 'cause they have that sharp taste that can perk you up anytime. Sometimes during French I have a whole stick of Polo sweets that I just keep popping in one after the other. The first lesson it worked wonderfully well, but having too much can give you some kind of immunity to it, so the effects wear off gradually after some time. And you get sick of them too. Also, if you want to really wake yourself up, try Sour Plus or something. Mad effective. But they don't stay around too long - it's not a sweet, just a gummy. They still shock you into staying up, though.

2. Eat tons of chocolates at one time.
Amazing. That amazing sugar rush gives you this high that is too helpful. You can stay awake for as long as 1.5 hours after a chocolate binge. Plus you get this miraculous optimism for everything while the high lasts. And you become amazingly happy. One time Mrs Chan got us packets of M&Ms and chocolate-covered almonds from the UK and I legit stuffed myself with at least 3 packets worth of milk and peanut chocolate M&Ms in that one A-Math lesson. After that, all the way till recess time I was in some kind of euphoria. The energy boost was incredible. I was really attentive. But the sucky setback would be the sudden drop in spirit when the high dissipates. ):

3. Binge.
This works. Really. Today I was so, so zoned in the morning. I was so lifeless and urgh. That feeling, you know. When break finally came I got out my huge pack of chips, the banana and the one bar of chocolate and..yes. I just started wolfing everything down. 'Wolfing' as in taking a bite of the banana and then the chocolate and the Doritos and having them all at once. Waking up for real came almost immediately. So I went from dead on Farah's shoulder to "Yes, yes, I'm waking up! :_)" in less than 2 minutes. Binging works. Eating gives you energy.

4. Eat well when you can.
Like I said, eating gives you energy. Best to have something with a substantial amount of carbohydrates like bread or something. If you really can't pull yourself together for nuts, just eat something healthy. Like a triple-decker sandwich for recess. The many calories in the bread simply mean more energy. calories=energy

5. Have coffee when you know you need to be awake for something important but can't reach that state alone.
Coffee's some strong shiz. Got a cup of cheap coffee so I could stay awake in French class today because I know I would need it. It worked really well, but it was hell at the same time. Coffee makes me alert, yes, but it feels more of a war between a drained mind and a restless body. It's like you're really mentally exhausted but your body's too active, or vice versa. And you can't do anything but feel it rage on inside you. So my physical self was really working and not sleepy at all but my thoughts were just. Strayed. It was artificial alertness. Which is why coffee is brilliant but torturous. And you also start to get really dependent on it.

6. Have hot drinks if you don't like coffee.
Before coffee, I loved having warm cups of hot chocolate or Horlicks while studying. They really keep your insides warm and cosy and you feel much more comforted into staying up. The heat gives you a jolt of wakefulness too, I guess.

7. Drink lots of water.
If you really are trying to stay up in class, occupying yourself with gulps of water helps to a certain extent. It keeps you busy and reduces boredom (if that's what's making you fall sleep..). At the same time, you're hydrating yourself, which is really important in keeping an alert mind, and staving off hunger by tricking your body into thinking it's full. So it's crucial you bring water everywhere you go.

8. Splash your face with water.
Get a tiny bit of water from that bottle into your palm and wake yourself up by sorta splashing your face with it. It's refreshing.

9. Use eye drops.
Carry this everywhere with you. Half the time you are falling asleep because your eyes are dry. Using eye drops work so good because it's like wow, your eyes are so comfortable now and the world is clear and amazing and you suddenly don't feel so tired.

10. Stretch and give yourself massages!
When you are truly exhausted, you know that feeling. Your muscles tense up like crazy everywhere and you feel too tired to even move. Massaging your arms and legs help to..loosen(?) them and reduce tension. This is also very refreshing. Very.

That was long.
But really, I think I used at least 6 of those methods in school today.
I pulled an all-nighter and god seriously?
School sucks after an all-nighter.
Gonna bloody sleep now what am I doing awake?

Oh yes.
If you pulled an all-nighter, don't be an idiot and do it again the next night.
Especially if you used coffee during the day.
You're gonna destroy yourself like that.
That's not gonna feel good.

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