Monday, April 16, 2012

keep my mind off the edge

You know, if I've ever cried openly in front of you, then I must value you.
It must mean that I could trust you enough to handle my outbursts with care and say things that could make me feel better and side with me and not judge me.
If I had cried without hesitation in your presence, then you must know that I trust you.
I don't always do that with anyone and everyone.
It takes so much courage for me to bring my barriers down and well.
If I'd ever talked of my problems to you, no matter how little of them, then you are very special.
Please stay.

Anyway, one more thing.
I want to say that suicide should never be an option.
On Facebook (honestly the worst place ever to be emotional actually) there is this girl my sister knows who is really scary.
Every status update she has is about her Last Day and death and attempts.
It is really horrifying because permanent solutions should never be for temporary problems.
I've thought about it - how nice it must be to let go off everything and just disappear! - but I've never seriously considered it.
Because if I did, would it be fair to the ones around me?
If my sister killed herself, God forbid, I don't think I could ever live with it.
I would be plagued everyday with regret and self-loathe.
And please don't do anything drastic, I beg you.
It will pass, I know that because I know how it feels to be so low and not know even which way is up.
It is scary because she's just fourteen.
You have a long life ahead of you.
Don't miss all of that just because of some people who would probably be insignificant in a few years.
They would either make or break you - why would you want them to break you!

Oh well I'm rambling but you get me right?
Don't even think of suicide - that's the devil calling you.

Annnd Adam Lambert is actually kinda cute why must he like guys?
And Ariana Grande is adorable.

Alright that's it.

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