Wednesday, January 2, 2013

strawberries taste how lips do

Happy 2013 loves!!
Though it's really 12.25am the 2nd of January...but I've meant to write this for the whole day.

I've also meant to spend my New Year's Eve(ning) in bed finishing up Pride & Prejudice while the rest of the world did a countdown, buuuut that plan dispersed when we went out at 8pm to Changi Airport with Haiqal and Daiyana (that really means my maternal relatives but we've always said that when we mean that).
It was a sudden thing, and by that time I was past caring how I look like so I threw on some black maxi dress and wore the school hoodie over it (ha) and decided that this would be a lounge-at-the-airport-event so it was all very suitable and it all fit together very nicely.
And lounge we did.
First we sat at McDonald's for at least 2 hours and thereafter we flocked to Ya Kun to eat some more.
It was brilliant.
Even more so since the silaturahim had been mended (I've told you that already) and so the company of Haiqal & Daiyana was very much appreciated and loved and it was all so fun.

We caught up and Haiqal told his stories from the boys side of the Pesantren Kilat, where he talked of fights that broke out and of male directioners he was happy to have met, and of another boy whom I thought was scary and violent when I saw him but liked my little pony (what.) but turns out was very lovable.
Then we spoke of other things and I was thinking the whole time how glad I was/am that they are my cousins, and how much I love my cousins from both sides.

Even for this outing I'd let myself be the occasional public nuisance, for at one point in time we started playing with the trolleys in the wide, empty space outside the McD outlet.
"Playing" as in riding on them and pushing them with the little kids (Adani, Shireen and Arinah) in a trolley train or something like that.
Just...we were noisy and running around childishly but I think it was the caffeine and the high that comes with NYE.
Yes, there must have been a high because there were many other kids/preteens/TEENS running around in the wide, empty space as well.
I know there was this trio of teens taking turns to play with one of the boys' wheelchair.

And then we played on that slide.
-insert long nostalgic sigh-
For some reason it was open and no one was attending to it and it was 1am and is there a fluke? is it supposed to be open I mean I thought you're supposed to have receipts or something? no? but it was just there, open and inviting so what the heck we went on it and I did at least 5 rounds of it and at the end we were all positively pink with exertion.
It was lovely.

So my NYE was quite lovely indeed, and I hope yours had been too.
I've been wanting to write about the year buuuuut meh.
I can't bring myself to.
I mean, I'm not obliged, am I?
It prevails all the time.!!

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