Friday, January 11, 2013

something in your eye

OOOkay. Okay.
Had my first brush with the K-pop fandom on tumblr.
Apparently SHINee has very, very, very, very similar ships to 1D.
As in the band members and their roles and their pairings - they all match up to a T.
How so very fascinating.
But not fascinating enough for me to go exploring, though, thank God for that.

I wonder if I should explain why I ship what I do.
I ship Larry as a romance, because do I even have to elaborate here.
Ziam as a...uh. Hm.
I ship Ziam as romance, or an otherwise very frustrating bromance.
(Wow does that even make sense?)
Because Liam wants Zayn only as a best friend, but he can't run away from his feelings.
Zayn, on the other hand, is more overt.
It's complex.
There's a lot of deep, hidden unrequited love and feelings and ugh.
But Ziam is sweltering in fiction.
That is it.
(Larry and Ziam are different in the sense that Larry are just simply perfect soulmates, whereas Ziam is love.)
Zourry and Zouis are whore-ships.
( get what I mean.)
These two ships just kill me.
Everything else, every other ship is a sweet, simple bromance.

Niall can never ever be romantically involved with the rest of the band because it is so painfully obvious he is straight as a ruler and he is just so cute and happy-go-lucky that any bromance with him is sickeningly sweet and merely platonic. (Sorry, Anis.)
Since Liam is most mature, he will be the one with the one steady relationship, so he will only be shipped with Zayn. That is it. No other. Done.
Now, Zayn's not like Liam. I'd like to think he is still this curious mofo fascinated with the Larry dynamics and goes to Louis sometimes. But he is never shipped with Harry romantically or whore-ically because that just doesn't happen.
Harry is practically dependent on Louis. God, he is head over heels in love with him, so Harry will never dare do anything that doesn't please his One True Love. Like Liam, Harry's only shipped with Louis.
Louis is most complex, I think. He treats Niall like a younger brother and Liam as an older one (so he'll be that annoying little kid bro, even though he's the oldest). Zayn's a friend and Harry is his little One True Love as well, so Louis does whatever to protect him. (This kinda explains why Harry is off-limits to everyone else but him.) And does whatever he can to make him happy. Well, he knows what makes Harry happy anyway. And I like to think of Harry in the Larry ship as a little innocent kitten who's in awe of Louis, and does whatever he is told  so he is a very whipped bitch.
Louis controls Zourry.
Told you Harry's off-limits.
(Dude, like, you can't even touch him without an intervention.)

Once again, you deserve awards if you've bothered reading that whole chunk.
It just felt necessary, though.
That is all, the end.

Now I am thinking of the JCs.
I'd like to go to NJC but I have no idea if I would ever be able to cope.
It's like being afraid of feeling regret a month later if I do get in, especially since I know NYJC is a just-right type of school.
Dear me.
But if anything, ACJC is out, definitely out.
And if I do consider AJC, it would be at the very bottom of my choices.
Wish I had seen CJC because it sounds quite rad but hello careless oversleeping.
Sheesh, man.

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