Monday, January 7, 2013

sinking so deep

I'm so so sorry, but this is truly necessary.
Just in case I grow up and forget what shipping's like.
As if I would.
So prepare for a long, painful, potentially-destructive onslaught.

So lately my life's been weird.
I think maybe it's because I want to be in denial or something, and if you read this you'd think I don't care that results are coming out in a matter of days (days goddamit! and we're talking 1/2/3), but then again, I think you'd know already that this site isn't really for...that kind of stuff.
(No, here is where I put my happy thoughts and musings so I may re-read them again and again for a personal dose of happy.)
And if this doesn't make sense, pardon me because it's presently 12.40am!

I now live a shipper life.

Let me tell you first, it's both a source of joy and agony.
(Don't start shipping. Don't. Don't.)
But do I regret this major lifestyle change?
(Yes it's a lifestyle change because I promise you, one day without a dose of your OTP is like death.)

No, I really do not, even if it destroys my social life.
And also, this explains everything.

How so very accurate, no?

Let's go back to what tortures me most.

Welcome to the 1D fandom and its many ships.


Don't be.
I'll help you along. :)

First we look at this.

From left.
Zayn: I like to think he's with Liam, and my sister ships him with Niall, but really he has a girlfriend named Perrie.
Harry: In a secret relationship with Louis William Tomlinson and for the time being with professional beard Taylor Swift because management needs a publicity stunt like now. (They'll be gone in a few months.)
Louis: In a secret relationship with Harry Edward Styles so he has a beard named Eleanor because management wants to cover it up.
Liam: I wish he were with Zayn (sigh) but he has a lovely girlfriend named Danielle.
Niall: In a relationship with food.

With that out of the way, let us wade carefully into these dangerous waters.


This is Harry looking like a kitten aww this is too cute ok.



And since this is my sister's OTP, I think I'll need to do it some justice and add another one.

(But who are we kidding right. Ziam has a higher chance of being real than Ziall can ever have psh.)


It's not as popular as some other ships, but it's still a cute one.




Actually any ship with Niall is cute.


Let's throw in this one too because Harry.


Harry's reaction, god.
I think it's obvious I now have a soft spot for Harry ok.
What you'd call being a "Harry girl".
Like how my sister is a Niall girl.


Yay Ziam!
Not my OTP, but I ship it because ZaynandLiam and LiamandZayn don't blame me guys and I'd like to think it's real.



Sensible Liam and "Bradford Bad Boi" Zayn, yeah?

I'm not kidding right now I have too many feels in me I think I'm gonna die I'm dead.



I. Wasn't. Expecting. Feels. 


Larry :) ;)
Hello unnecessary caress.
Aww look at Harry all fascinated and captivated by his boyf.

I'm crying.

Louis looks so proud of Harry I can't even.

Guys time literally stopped when they looked at each other it's official.

Louis you can't help it can you :(

I have a gif for this but I couldn't find it among the hundreds of others in my Larry folder.
Louis waited for Harry (and only Harry) and then proceeded to wrap an arm around his waist and under his blazer you know, to have maximum closeness.

Fetus Larry yay!

They look like they just had a fight and Louis' tryna apologise and Harry's all mad and asdfjgkkj why am I doing this to myself??!?!?!??!!????!

Guys I really don't think we waded carefully enough...

If you haven't started shipping Larry by now idk what to say something must be wrong with you.
jkjk..I think.
Also remember that I ship Zourry too.
Figure that out.
And when you have...don't judge me.
It's a cool ship and I love their fics ok.

Keep in mind there are people out there with one of these ships as their OTP and they think it's real.

See, it's not weird at all!
Thank you 1D for coming and bringing in so much happiness and pain.

Mmmm 1D actually makes me happy.

Something about their many bromances and general cuteness and shit like that.
And I'm still no directioner, but sometimes I need that occasional pop of pop.
And 1D is not just a commercial pop boy-band for pubescent girls (and..boys..?), they are really, simply just five boys who have become so close it hurts, living their dreams together.
(How sappy.)
And I think when you see that side of them, that's what's so satisfying about being a directioner.
I mean, if I were one, that'd be how I feel.
I'm not.

(Surprisingly,) I was sad to read this.
I have no idea why.
There's something special about 1D, I think.
And when they break up, everything will be history.

But basically, you are now more informed of ships in the fandom.
(I haven't even included Elounor or Payzer or Zerrie or the notorious Haylor.)
Do you see why I want to get out of it now?
I can't even handle ONE ship.
Every time I go through any ship's tags I start to laugh-cry, which is hideously hideous, because I don't know whether to feel happy that it's happening or sad that they affect me just that much.
And when I say "laugh-cry", I'm not lying.

Okay goodbye, this had been fun and painful to do.
And if you'd stuck with me throughout the whole thing, I'm happy for you.
You deserve a crown.

Congrats to you if you figured what Zourry is, but here it is anyway since I have trouble helping myself.



Too much tension ugh.

What in the h.

Let us also not forget this happened.

Oh but Lou, how would you know all that?
How ever could you?

Oops. Sorrynotsorry.

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