Thursday, June 10, 2010


ilovelifenotreally is losing its uniqueness. In a span of less than 5 minutes, I had seen two blogs that have the same blogskin as it. That sucks. Dammit. Damn. It. But still, I love it. It's like a private diary where I spill out my deepest (and somehow most embarassing) emotions. It's actually kinda soothing and reassuring to know that I may be honest, somewhere. And not hurt anybody at the same time. It's where I may rant, curse, swear like a mental patient. It's like a...a best friend.

You know who else is my best friend? My sister. (No, never the P1 one. Never.) Anis is so like my bestest friend ever. I mean, I can always act and be myself with her. Heehee. Yesterday we planned to stay up till 5am. (We officially succumbed to slumber at around 3.30am.) To pass the time, we played with dolls, story left hanging as always, ate Nutella straight from the bottle, played Neopets, read books, played more Neopets, had midnight snacks, acted crazy, laughed like mad, and had a perfectly enjoyable bonding time(if you minus the whole effort of trying to actually stay awake).

Didn't that sound like fun? /:) It was, honestly. We got high from eating all that chocolate. C:

Hey Anis! Let's do that again! How 'bout it, huh? :D

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