Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I promise not to eat Mac's for the whole month. It's a promise, I tell you, A PROMISE! I ate there on Friday and on Sunday, and am kinda sick of it.

Well, after that we went to Daiso!! Isn't that the funnest thing to do EVAR?! Always $2. Nicee. I got a mug for June camp, some design to cover up the hole in my pants, and a letter-writing set of some papers and envelopes with the Eiffel Tower design. :DDD It was so much fun shopping with Haiqal and Daiyana and Anis. You know, bonding time. Teehee.

After that, we went to the playground. We wanted to play Haunted House but we just didn't have the mood so we just bersembang on the playground thingy. And talked about stuff. Haiqal should pay attention to his studies. It's scaring me.

I love my cousins. It was a very fun sleepover even though it was too short. :)

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