Sunday, June 20, 2010

Dear Life,

I'm not posting much because pretty much I feel down much of the time. 'Much' is a weird word once you write/type it many times over and over. Much. Much. Much. Much. Much.

I had a nice dream last night. Or maybe it was not so nice. Because I was trying to run away from 2 people, one of them was Mr Jo. (Haha how did he end up there?) But it was nice because I was running away with someone. And don't you always like that nice floaty feeling in you when you dream of someone you love/like being with you? It was nice.

I promise to try and not be lazy and do all my homework before camp starts and maybe start revising some of my French stuff to get rid of the guilt that will come up when I get my results (50/90 confirm!! But I still hope not.. But still..) on the first lesson of Term 3. That's next week. OH NO. :(

I also promise to transfer my bloggings in Malacca and KL ASAP.

I will also try to get well before June camp. Auntijoe says having a cold during camp is NOT nice at all. She tells me to gargle salt water for my cough but I don't want to. I rather try the new honey lemon lozenges by Strepsils. But Papa forgot to get them today.

Today we also went out to eat lunch. I suppose it was supposed to be a little Father's Day celebration. But we didn't get anything for him. :/ Well, I dedicated a little status for him on Facebook! But he doesn't have an account so..

Birthdays are important. You know why? They are signs of a person's uniqueness. A special day for the birthday girl. I don't know why I'd been thinking about my birthday lately. I'd been stressing to Papa and Mama(mostly Papa) about what I would like them to get me for my birthday. Maybe it's because I just want to be reassured that I'd get something for my birthday, that I am remembered by some people. So far, I had asked for a waterproof camera, earpieces, anything French, and a Barbie doll.

I want a doll. I want a boy doll. And a bride doll. And a casual clothes-wearing doll. A doll that comes with furniture. A doll that comes with cell phones, cups of coffee, and bags. I don't care. I'm not picky. I just want a doll. A Barbie doll.

I had always wanted to be celebrated on my birthday. Never happens. Maybe I just want to make sure that.. o jsbr gtormfd yjsy ;pbr ,r smf vstr gpt ,r.

I am basically not feeling the best right now.

I don't see what's so great about that...person. What makes the 2nd person want to be with that...person all the time. Urgh.

I wish I could talk to someone about it. But right now, I have almost no one. It's so late.

I better sleep.

I I I I I I I I. Look at how most of my paragraphs start with 'I'. It just shows how egoistic I am and how much attention I want/need.

Did you know that sometimes, the worst attention whores may be people who are the most insecure?

I suppose I will talk about that some other time. It's so late.

I better sleep.

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