Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Oh Allah, bless upon whatever You have given to us and protect us from Hellfire. Amin.

Monday, July 26, 2010

I fail as a sister

Why does this always happen? Am I always such a bad example? Can I not lead them properly? Now Adani talks so rude to Papa and Mama. Even I wasn't like that in P1. She knows bad words too. And that is not good. Aryan is so bratty. But maybe that's because he knows he's the only guy. -.- But well, you know. Even Anis is so so so rude.

Am I such a bad sister? Everytime I fear that I am not showing them enough love and care. Why is it so hard for me? Why is it everytime I shout at them and scream at them, for no reason too. I don't want them to follow my example. I really don't. I especially don't like how Anis treats them. It is extrememly unsisterly.

I keep saying I'll do better with each new sibling. But now I have no more chances because I will obviously have no more. I disappoint myself everytime. Is it too late to change them? And myself?

Ooh, have I told you~~~

I'm gonna cut my hair. Uh-huh, cut it till around 10cm below my shoulders. I really really need to already. I'm so sick of this longness and its shapeless and dryness. I mean, no better time to visit the salon right? Hahahaha in your face HAIR!!! >:DDDD

I really hate it. And and and!

I am craving for McDs!!! :000000 OMG.

I CAN and MUST endure. The end of July is coming right? Have I told you that I had also promised myself to not eat that till the end of July? Or was it the end of August? Nah, who cares. I say end of July. :D And well, less than a week more only lah.

Come on come on come on.

Tonight is a very special night

It is the malam Nisfu Sya'aban. One should read the Yasin thrice. And solat sunat 2 rakaat, but I can't. :( Not only does the fever come at the wrong time, the you-know-what does too! D:

Oh well, you know I had such peculiar dreams for the past two days. But it is the dream of yesterday's that I remember the most. But it is a secret dream and I will never share it for the sole sake of being able to call it mine, and mine alone.

Actually, I have no mood whatsoever to go blogging now, but it's simply for the sake of keeping this alive. Wherever did I find stuff to post then?

Oh. Geog. Bother. I don't want to study Geog! I mean, okay, the Earth is dying for the sake of our comfort blah-de-blah. But who cares about global warming and ozone depletion if all of us humans and animals and plants and insects and fish and etc will die sooner or later? I say, quicken the process! Stop the torture! Just end it already.

Okay, I know I sound horribly immatured about this issue. And really really bratty. But honestly, it's hard to like Geog when it makes itself so hard to like.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Hey guys,

I appreciate the GWSs and texts and calls. :D


But, I sicken myself(pun not intended). I can't believe I can't go for anything. Yeah, that's right. No FD Gold workshop. > :( WHY?!

But, I'm starting to start sneezing and having sudden blocked noses. And, oh please, everything I say is some nonsense. I swear everything that comes out of this mouth is pure crap. I am not thinking before I talk. Random thoughts form only to escape from my suddenly-quick tongue so very quickly.

It's like light-headedness and insanity. It's like..like whatever I do feels unreal. You know? Like talking, running my hand through my hair, eating, etc etc etc. All of it feels floaty.

I don't know. I think, then, maybe Papa is right to not allow me to go for FD Gold. Aw man. :(

Please please please PLEASE PLEASE let me get well soon!! Oh Allah, semogaku dapat disembuh secepat mungkin.

I don't wanna miss out a minute more.


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Everyone's blog is dead

I'm bored. :/

I'm sorry guys

Argh. Can't believe I'm sick. Of all times!! :(

High fever and inflammed throat. What the heck is that anyway? :0

Don't think I'm schooling tomorrow.

What if I can't go for footdrill gold?! D:

Oh no..

Ah shiz.

Worst time to fall ill. Sigh.

There's a place downtown,
Where the freaks all come around.
It's a hole in the wall.
It's a dirty free for all.

And they turn me on.
When they Take It Off.
When they Take It Off.
Everybody Take It Off.

There's a place I know
If you're looking for a show.
Where they go hardcore
And there's glitter on the floor.

And they turn me on.
When they Take It Off.
When they Take It Off.
Everybody Take It Off.

Ok, I admit I absolutely love this song. =3

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

We got found out.. again. :(

Today's Math test was HORRID, HORRIBLE, HIDEOUS. My graph sucked. My first question was left undone. I would be lucky if I were to pass.

The peribahasa test sucked more. I would be extremely lucky if I were to pass at all. I'm talking 4leafclover-horseshoe-bunnyfoot lucky.


Today was nice otherwise.

But oh SHEESH. Please lah, ok? If you wan't to go around gambolling with other friends and leave me out, so be it! At least let ME go with MY OWN group of friends. I missed an opportunity, you ----------. I wouldn't mind waiting for you, if you would at least layan me or something. You made me waste my precious time. > :(

Wish I could actually swear here. Hmph.

Monday, July 19, 2010

My life is turning into Sara Crewe's in one way or another.

'I will beg your pardon for laughing, if it was rude,' she said then, 'but I won't beg your pardon for thinking.'

'I know I shall - if I'm found out,'she said. 'But I don't care - I don't care a bit. Oh, Sara, please tell me. What is the matter? Why don't you like me any more?'

'Lavinia and Jessie are "best friends"', she said rather huskily. 'I wish we could be "best friends". Would you have me for yours? You're clever, and I'm the stupidest child in the school, but I - oh, I do so like you!'

'Yes,' she said in a new passionate way. 'Yes, I am. I'm so hungry now that I could almost eat you. And it makes it worse to hear poor Becky. She's hungrier than I am.'

'Why does she say I am a beautiful child?' she was thinking. 'I am not beautiful at all. Colonel Grange's little girl, Isobel, is beautiful. She has dimples and rose-coloured cheeks, and long hair the colour of gold. I have short black hair and green eyes; besides which, I am a thin child and not fair in the least. I am one of the ugliest children I ever saw. She is beginning by telling a story.'

People can be so mean

Today was a really almost-great day. I talked to a lot of people. Hahaha. :D

OMG I am so excited for Hari Raya! :D This year, our colour is TURQUOISE! Last year was red, the year before was blue, I think. Isn't it cool! We have family colours! :D

I am so excited. That's when the money starts rolling in. And I can buy my iPhone. XD


Haiyo, belum puasa dah nak raya.

Haha. Sorry lah! XD

It's called excitement.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

These are headstrong, crazy days when your mind's made up and the music plays

I should do my French homework today. It's just workbook/textbook excercises anyway.

Oh and, I have a sudden urge to buy all 23 colours of those pens at the MOELC bookshop. Bookshop Auntie, why must you do this to me and promote your pens?!?!

"You know ah, got one girl every week come one and buy one pen. If she got enough money, then she buy two. Hahaha, every week."

Choy ah.

As my dreams begin to rain
I wanna say love me for me
What's inside
I must be positive
Not run away
So much for you
This is life

I had never cherished sleep so much

After Thursday's intense punishments and late night, I can't believe I actually made it through yesterday. Around 12 straight hourse of school.

You know some people are seriously scary. Not in that scary way. But how you never know what they might be thinking of you. And how they sometimes play around with you.

And so on and so forth.

Oh gosh, I am falling in love with Ashley Tisdale all over again. I used to like her in P6, then that waned, then I found her album again on Thursday, and I started listening to her again. Omg, seriously, her songs are really nice and catchy.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

I can't unlove you

I can't unlove you.

Can't do that.

No matter how I try.

I'll never turn my back on someone who loved me too.

I can do almost anything I have to,

but I can't unlove you.

Why would I want to?

There's always time for other dreams.

Why must we erase these things?

How it loads my heart so

This week had been really weird, I must say.

Can I keep promises?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Oh sigh

I do feel quite better after talking to Nicci, Nicolette, Alyssa. It's amazing what people can do to you.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Oh yes

Some people are really toying with feelings.

I should totally stay away from them.



Toy with them subtly.



Practice and plan first then execute it.

Oh forget it. -.-

Today was a horrid day

Today I saw many horrid people. Sad to say, all three from the level.

Some people really do NOT know how to be sensitive, and understanding, and empathising(such word?).

What's up with that? A levelmate is a levelmate. You are supposed to help her. Not keep talking about how she is not going to RUIN SCRCY. What the hell is up with that?! Don't be biased lah, good God. So you willingly help someone who's considered ahemahem but you do not when it comes to her?

I hate it because she is really a very nice and good person, and it's sad because you don't even bother to get to know her more and then start complaining about her. Like, SERIOUSLY? That's a horrid thing to do.

Oh, puhlease don't get me started on tactless attitude. Well, you claim that it is for my own good. But you never said who?! So now I have to be suspicious of EVERYONE and what will that lead to? Just to my own downfall. OMG and you insult my friends, once again, claiming it's for their own good. What the heck?!

"Better to hear it from your friends than from them."

Proper thoughtful friends would add in a soft, sorry voice with a soft, sorry look. And tell the 'victim' to not let it get to her. Not say it so outward and outright. And so..tactless.

Also, I can't stand the way people abandon their duties.

You probably know who already.

Why the HELL can't she at the very least come for level recess, where the Sec 2s are available and ready, so that her task, which is overdue, can be accomplished ASAP? Don't you know that giving a list of names and places is not that hard? Yes, you do.

Apparently, she does not think so. Apparently, she thinks her friends are more important than duties and responsibilities.

Oh wait. That sounds wrong. I rephrase, I rephrase.

Apparently, she thinks that her responsibility is not important. Why is it not possible to sacrifice only 1 recess for the NCOs sake, at least. Why?!

Uh-huh, but what sucks the most is that when some people remind her repeatedly, she gives that don't-care look.

Honest enough?

Ok, so for the first time ever..

This blog is locked.

Kind of officially temporarily locked.

I shall rant and rant here, allowing me to be honest here for real.

And once the issue wanes, I'll open it again.

Maybe it'll cause controversy.

Or maybe it'll rekindle the flame.

I don't know, because probably by that time, the flame is probably already reduced to a glowing splint.

Monday, July 12, 2010

NDP training tmr :))))

LAMDA today was..uh..like -------------------

The speech was okay, she was smiling. But the conversation was urgh. Very short meaning not good at all. :(

I hope I get at least a Merit.

Flames is a fun game. :))))

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Thank God for boys

Hahaha. Me and my sis. Ok FINE. My sis and I both have crushes on Myanmar guys. Totally random. But funny!! :)


They have weird names though.

Maung Nyi Lwin Min.

Hein Naing.

You know it's always nice to know that you can focus on something else besides school and SCRCY and levelmates and friends.

Thank gosh for crushes.

A Little Princess

I must say this book is simply my favourite.

Maybe it's the way Sara's riches are being described.

Or the way her thoughts are related.

Or the way the way she speaks beautifully old-fashioned.

Or the way India is depicted as an exotic paradise.

Perhaps maybe because it has French in it.

But I believe, most of all, it's because of the way Sara conquers all her hardships.

It's hard to explain how.

Because it's such a lovely book.

I don't feel like lending it to anyone, even if it is not mine in the first place.

And, I absolutely adore the picture on page 59.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Love the way you lie

Just gonna stand there and watch me burn.

That's all right because I like the way it hurts.

Just gonna stand there and hear me cry.

Well that's alright because I love the way you lie.

Love the way you lie.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Omg, btw..

He accepted the friend request. :DDD

Damn you hyperventilation

I was reading some juniors' blogs and I suddenly saw many (wrong) usages of the word 'hyperventilation'. And I see their description of hyperventilation, and I wished they would all just shut up. (No offence.) Because they really don't know how it really feels like.

I hyperventilated

I had no idea why that happened, but I literally hyperventilated.

One moment I was doing Math sums, the next I was trying to breathe.

3 out of those 8 sums made me feel like dying, I don't know why either. They weren't quite straightforward, and I was so frustrated. But I forced myself to continue anyway, because whatever I do would affect Jan's PW data. I didn't want to rig the results. So I told myself to try my hardest. And then the music started getting distracting, with the background sounds, and all the movement. And I did not want to be holding everyone back by taking such a long time to do it. And I felt so overwhelmed. And I wanted to stop. But I knew I couldn't. For the sake of Jan and Nicole and their PW, I couldn't and musn't. And I just did what I do when I feel overwhelmed.

I tore paper. Piece after piece. Then I remember Alyssa coming over, and asking "Destressing, huh?" And I couldn't answer because I was feeling so dizzy. But if I could, I would have said, "I am trying to. It usually works. I don't know why it is not working. In fact, I feel worse now." Maybe I did reply her, but I forgot, everything was too quick.

And then I got up to throw away the pieces of paper, but while walking(during which I felt like I was floating instead), I felt tingling in my hands and things became so hazy. Too loud, too slow, and yet, too fast. I didn't know what was happening. It went by too fast.

Next thing I know, Jan was asking me to just stop and I felt so relieved. But I was still trembling. She was putting piece after piece of post-it paper for me to tear. I didn't know why I continued tearing even after I knew it made me feel worse.

It happened too fast. Suddenly the room emptied and people were leaving. I didn't even know why. I think I was panicking.

All the while, breathing was hard. Sure, it wore off, soon after. But it took like, ten minutes. Oh, the best part? NO ONE TOOK IT SERIOUSLY. Everyone kept thinking I was just stressed. I was not JUST stressed. May I please reiterate the fact that I was hyperventilating?

How on EARTH can I think about when I want to leave when I was reassuring myself by telling me to breathe in and out slowly. How on EARTH was I supposed to quicken my pace and get my bag ready since everyone had left the room. How on EARTH did I end up having to treat and help myself when there was at least 4 other QUALIFIED FIRST AIDERS around.

Did anyone think I was possibly JOKING about hyperventilating? That I wasn't REALLY hyperventilating? That it was just some fake DRAMA?

(On second thoughts, I should have been more dramatic. I should have just stopped whatever I was doing and run out the room to the toilet and lock myself in a cubicle.)

I even told them I was hyperventilating. I told them, you know. I wasn't even subtly hinting to them. Yet nobody came to take me away to a quiet place and reassure me by telling me to breathe in and out slowly, which is the correct treatment. I was left to treat myself. And carry my own bags. With everyone way in front of me.

Not that I care much; I did not die.

But is this honestly what you do when there are casualties? If you can pretend to treat casualties during all those firedrills, surely you can treat a real one who already told you her injury straight out. And it's not like it needs bandages to be treated.

I'm not saying my own first aid is perfect. Neither am I trying to put anyone down, but I'm wondering why no one seemed to care. Leaving a casualty to treat herself and help herself? Do you seriously do that? No wonder the NCOs are disappointed with our first aid. We lack the basic quality needed to do first aid.


Thursday, July 8, 2010

230th post ;) Still going strong

In the evening, I saw a rainbow so breath-taking it made me forget that it was only a game played by light. It was a really lovely rainbow. The kind that is clear and obvious, not those faint now-you-see-it-now-you-don't kinds. The kind that seems bold and strong, never going to lighten a shade.

I could see the different colours of it. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue. I couldn't make out the indigo and violet, though. But I know those colours were there, somewhere. Still, it was a pretty rainbow and I had to force myself to look away to continue walking.

Opposite my house, there is a huge field. It is an uncomfortable field because it has holes in the ground and prickly lalang grows wild and freely. After the rain, it will always have deep muddy puddles. But it is a great place to fly kites. Sometimes, when the afternoons get real windy, I see many colourful kites soaring in the air.

Just now, I saw a kite too. It was flying high in the velvet blue sky. It was a funny kite, because it was in the shape of a yellow dog's face. And it's tongue was sticking out. It looked free, flying aroung the huge expanse, a small piece of the sky. But yet, it looked like a prisoner too. Because no matter how high it flies, it still is connected to that long piece of nylon string. And even if it broke free, it would eventually flutter down to the prickly lalang-filled fields, lifeless, never able to rise again.

Dearest x,

YOU said it was OK, so why continue bitching about it to your sworn enemy? WHY? She was just standing up to you, pointing out the truth! Why get so worked up when that is so?

Get a grip on yourself.


OMG. OMFG. I am elated. Overjoyed. OMG.





I had had a crush on him since like forever.


I never knew he had Facebook.





Now I can stalk him.


The crush never went away, no matter how much I wanted it to.

Ayu and I fell out because of him. I guess? :(


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

My favourite nursery rhyme

There was a little girl
Who had a little curl
Right in the middle of her forehead;
And when she was good,
She was very, very good
But when she was bad she was horrid.

Does it ring a bell, hmm?


Honestly, it is quite scary to think that someone who doesn't even know you well is regularly reading your blog.

Just like a stalker.

Courtesy of Hushy :)

You say that the world doesn't revolve around me. News-flash:It doesn't revolve around you either.

Amazing and suitable quote.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

As another side-note,

Today's LA Test was.... bad? Honestly, I did not study too much or anything. So I crapped throughout the whole of it. Just bullcrapped my way out. Har. Har. Har.

But LA lesson today was fun. :D I mean, the only thing we did was draw sketches of the 7 suitors based on Portia's views/stereotypes. And THEN I got back the CA2 results. It was actually kind of satisfying to see that I got an A2, missing A1 by 0.5 marks. TT BUT FC said that that's not the final mark, which would actually be higher. Meaning, I GET AN A1! YAY! Isn't that a great improvement from C5 for CA1? A low, A1, but still, an A1.


Also, during the LA lesson, I got reminded of the day again. And of course I get excited. :)

Anyhoo, it was a satisfactory average day.

You know something?

Sometimes, the easiest way to stop the pain is to simply extract yourself from the confusion in the first place.

Extract myself from SCRCY Sec 3s for a moment. Forget the way some people are acting so..witchy. And forget how everyone must get along with each other. Forget how it is forbidden to act bitchy at all. And forget how you are forced to be part of this term called 'a level bond' at the end of the day.

Goodness, I miss Siti a lot. :( She's the only way I forget SCRCY for a little moment. When I NEED to forget it all, she absolutely HAD to be away for at least 2 weeks. In her world of choir, bitchiness is part and parcel of everything. Cliques form and no one cares. In fact, cliques were supposed to form anyway. Kind of a carefree life.

When she's around, we get to bitch and bitch and bitch about anyone even though she won't know the person I'm bitching about too much. And we don't care. You know she says 'Your levelmates are very bonded.' a LOT. And everytime, I just look her in the eye and smile, or scoff, maybe, I don't know.


I just want her back.

As a sidenote, this week is the worst week ever.

I feel a slight change coming over me

During the week-ends, somehow I decided to stop it. Stop this..weakness. I am sick of the way everything is controlled with the slightest tantrum. Sick of how she controls everything. I may be wrong, but I see it a lot of times. A LOT.

Oh, who am I kidding? I can't do it. I can't be as mean as I want myself to be. I can't even write my true feelings on this public blog.

I can't snap back at people lest I hurt them, and then they will hate me, and..omg. This is not about hurting their feelings, right? It's about mine! I don't want them to walk out on me.

But I'll try. I mean I have one friend I can turn to. No matter what. So that won't matter. Can I be as mean as I want to?

Sure, go ahead.

But I tell you, I had never looked at this one person and felt such an intense hatred(?) and anger(?) for hurting other people. And not trying to change that.

My god. Do you think everything revolves around you or what? My goodness. I am very through with the way you dominate things and act all superior.

Dear Life, I shall try to show my true feelings as much as possible.

Since she asked for it,

Here is a whole blog post for you, Xuan Yi.

Hurh hurh hurh.

I don't know what to say about you.

You're almost always awesome.


You better remember your promise.

Here is some space below, so you can fill it in yourself.

I hope you are happy now.

But you are only wasting my blog space.

Thanks so much.

Good night.

Love, me.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Dadada blah blah blah

My gosh life can be so horrid at times.

Disappointment rains in torrents every single time. And always after hopes are being brought up so high it ridiculously exceeds the limits of the sky.

I do not want to be disappointed. Especially on my birthday. Especially then. Please don't.

It's perfect

This blog is.. perfect.

It's not pink or girly.

It's not boyish either.

A dark background that emmits some negativity.

That is also, however, turned elegant because of its translucence as well as the faded gold.

The torn-like texture cries antique.

And everything's classy and simple.

Oh, and don't forget the presence of the Eiffel Tower that graces it all.

It's beautiful.


This week will be the WORST week to get on my nerves. I WILL shoot back if anyone does, I don't care already.



Ok, I hoped that THAT was not too obvious. ^^||

Oh no you di'nt

You are like not supposed to know anything about them! HELLO. I've had 6 bloody years of experience and there you go yakyakyakking about how great x is?! Oh, so you want to know why I am THAT pissed?


That's right. I DO NOT KNOW.

But of all people, y. I am pissed because. oh. Boils down to one freaking thing every freaking time.

'awww.... they are best buds. hardee har har.'

Old witch.

Life's not as innocent as you think

Trust me, no one is as innocent or naive as they seem. No one.

Sunday, July 4, 2010




But I will get back to you tomorrow.



HA. I thought that staying at home would stop me from having mood swings. Apparently that's not true.

I hate hormones

Suddenly, I am feeling so mad and angry and pissed with my parents. I have no bloody earphones and blah blah blah they ask me to use freaking headphones and I say I do NOT want to use those when travelling it's too damn bulky and they say oh you have no choice I HAVE MANY CHOICES like oh gee maybe get me one I saw a great pair yesterday that cost less than 15 bucks is that too much.

Hmm. Maybe I like chemistry after all

BUT I still love BIO more. I don't know if I want to take triple-sciences though. :/ I hate physics.

Today, I think I will finish up all my homework(History and HMT left) and start prepping for LA. Siiigh. Ok. Bye!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

I feel guilty.. :(

I ate so much today I think I overshot 1731 calories already. :S Let's recap, shall we?

2 bowls of chicken porridge.

1 pack of Chocolate Oreos with a glass of milk. At least 150 cals

1 Cinammon Doughnut (Oh God)

A few potato chips!! DDD:

3 sticks of Strawbery Pocky biscuit sticks.

A can of Iced Lemon Tea. 132 cals

A little candy floss. DDD:

A bowl of noodles.

A few sugar-coated yummies.

A huge slice of Hawaiian Pizza.

A huge slice of pizza with a lot of meat.

Oh. My. God.

That is like A LOT. :(

I feel super guilty now. My tummy feels queer. You know what? Weirdly, it also feels unfull. I mean, filled, but not full. My gosh. I ate so much why am I not bloated yet? >:L That will make me eat more obviously I do not want THAT to happen.

Haha well, the shamefully huge amount of food is because we are at Nyai's house now watching the World Cup Argentina vs Germany. I would like very much to support Argentina and not Germany for obvious reasons, but they're not going too far. -.- So, uh, I guess I'll go support Germany lah. =.= So the food's like snacks.

Wah Germany scored 1 goal already!


Brrr it IS a cold night. Only the fan is on and I'm still feeling the coldness enveloping around my feet thought it's been hours since my shower at 11pm. I don't feel tired, yet. I feel exactly the same tiredness level as I do in school.

Okies... So these 4 hours had been used to finish up a 3 page chemistry worksheet, and..nothing else. Hey, I did something, kay? And isn't it great to not need to think about chemistry anymore for the rest of the weekend? :D I was distracted. There you go. Xuan Yi was yakyakyakking about stuff. :D But it was fun. Except she burnt her foot with iron water. D: Ouch. And blahblahblah. I feel quite lonely now she's gone to pin her belt and then she will sleep.

So.. I am done! Except for one question.

'Name an element that does not have the 3 particles stated in the table above. State which particle is absent.' What kind of element has no neutrons, protons or electrons? Sad life, eh?

Other than that, I am done. With chemistry. Should I do history now? Hmm.. Uh, I'm running out of fulscap paper. Oh, wait I DO have fulscap paper! Yay! I'll do history now bye!

Friday, July 2, 2010


I really do not know what to think of today. Hmm.

LAMDA. Was..weird. Heehee "No I'm serious it's a real question." "What's your problem?!" Haha it's funny because visitors don't usually say that and it's even funnier because it happened to none other than Mr Nicholas Wong.

Sigh. I think I can't write/type anything because I feel empty. No really. I haven't eaten dinner although I had been complaining of how hungry I am since like, 5pm. :L I kind of went home, and could only make it to the living room sofa before I plopped down and went to sleep. At around 8.20, I woke up and wondered why no one (but Aryan and Bibik) was home. Then I remembered Anis and Adani had Kumon and Papa was talking about some date he was having with Mama today since I had no French class and he needn't fetch me or anything. Then 2 minutes later, I heard some commotion outside the door and, realising that they are now home, quickly went back into the room 'cause they'd so totally flip if they saw that I hadn't showered and was still in my uniform.

Then I fell asleep again. Until 10.50pm. Gah. I'm so hungry. Oh never mind, just one time. Usually, I won't skip dinner. Oh, I am quite hungry.

Today I got the worst news ever. Isn't my birthday supposed to be a day purely full of fun and happiness? SO why must CHEMISTRY of ALL THINGS be at the top of the priority list on 30 August? AND EVERYTHING will be tested. :( I thought I was supposed to get ready for The Big Day. THAT is referring to MY special day. Great, now whenever I say 30 August, they'll think of some bloody chemistry test whose weightage is, oh let's just say a mere 60%! >:( Thanks SO much for stealing my glory. Nice job, it's only the 3rd lesson and I already hate you.

Aahh.. What a cold night. Neither the fan nor the air-conditioning is on yet I still feel cool and comfy. Maybe it's because I just showered? Haha. But it IS a very nice night for sleep and rest.

I don't know if I can still sleep though, after having done so for almost six hours. That's way more than my normal sleeping hours on mormal weekdays. :0 Usually, due to laziness and procrastination, I get 4-5 hours. Ha. Oh wait, maybe I still DO feel tired. Perhaps it's due to the loveliness of the night. :)

Oh.. GREAT time to do homework, yes? ;) Okay, so I will. Bye!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Oh, I DO want to say something, you know

Should I write them out?


I can write in French..?

Too risky.


Even worse.

Then what, CAT LANGUAGE?

..... no.

Oh well, I guess it's back to ilovelifenotreally. And, I really don't know lah. Blah blah blah blah blah. I'm bored. And tired. And lazy.


Dear Time,

Oh, you pass by so fast! It seems like it was only yesterday that I had the best average school day ever.

Oh my god. This is lame. I don't know. Just trying to keep the blog alive. What's the use of it if no one reads it?

I am damn tired. I should go and do the HML homework. Page after page of torture. OH OH! I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY! :D

-Ego moment alert!!-

Cikgu praised me for my karangan!! :D I got, uh, 52/70 and it might look bad but its actually not and its actually quite a high mark. And Cikgu says that tomorrow, she'll go through the compositions and share them with the rest. And she specifically says she'll share mine! :) Aww.. I feel.. uh.. egoistic? proud? elated? I don't know. A mix of those three. :) Oh and especially since I wrote that compo during the time of WIWOWA. It's like, a lucky charm or something, haha! :)

Or maybe not. I remember all those other times from WIWOWA. And I wasn't always feeling high from them. Hmm.. Whatever.

I still do feel egoistic though.