Monday, July 26, 2010

Tonight is a very special night

It is the malam Nisfu Sya'aban. One should read the Yasin thrice. And solat sunat 2 rakaat, but I can't. :( Not only does the fever come at the wrong time, the you-know-what does too! D:

Oh well, you know I had such peculiar dreams for the past two days. But it is the dream of yesterday's that I remember the most. But it is a secret dream and I will never share it for the sole sake of being able to call it mine, and mine alone.

Actually, I have no mood whatsoever to go blogging now, but it's simply for the sake of keeping this alive. Wherever did I find stuff to post then?

Oh. Geog. Bother. I don't want to study Geog! I mean, okay, the Earth is dying for the sake of our comfort blah-de-blah. But who cares about global warming and ozone depletion if all of us humans and animals and plants and insects and fish and etc will die sooner or later? I say, quicken the process! Stop the torture! Just end it already.

Okay, I know I sound horribly immatured about this issue. And really really bratty. But honestly, it's hard to like Geog when it makes itself so hard to like.

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