Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Today was a horrid day

Today I saw many horrid people. Sad to say, all three from the level.

Some people really do NOT know how to be sensitive, and understanding, and empathising(such word?).

What's up with that? A levelmate is a levelmate. You are supposed to help her. Not keep talking about how she is not going to RUIN SCRCY. What the hell is up with that?! Don't be biased lah, good God. So you willingly help someone who's considered ahemahem but you do not when it comes to her?

I hate it because she is really a very nice and good person, and it's sad because you don't even bother to get to know her more and then start complaining about her. Like, SERIOUSLY? That's a horrid thing to do.

Oh, puhlease don't get me started on tactless attitude. Well, you claim that it is for my own good. But you never said who?! So now I have to be suspicious of EVERYONE and what will that lead to? Just to my own downfall. OMG and you insult my friends, once again, claiming it's for their own good. What the heck?!

"Better to hear it from your friends than from them."

Proper thoughtful friends would add in a soft, sorry voice with a soft, sorry look. And tell the 'victim' to not let it get to her. Not say it so outward and outright. And so..tactless.

Also, I can't stand the way people abandon their duties.

You probably know who already.

Why the HELL can't she at the very least come for level recess, where the Sec 2s are available and ready, so that her task, which is overdue, can be accomplished ASAP? Don't you know that giving a list of names and places is not that hard? Yes, you do.

Apparently, she does not think so. Apparently, she thinks her friends are more important than duties and responsibilities.

Oh wait. That sounds wrong. I rephrase, I rephrase.

Apparently, she thinks that her responsibility is not important. Why is it not possible to sacrifice only 1 recess for the NCOs sake, at least. Why?!

Uh-huh, but what sucks the most is that when some people remind her repeatedly, she gives that don't-care look.

Honest enough?

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