Friday, July 23, 2010

Hey guys,

I appreciate the GWSs and texts and calls. :D


But, I sicken myself(pun not intended). I can't believe I can't go for anything. Yeah, that's right. No FD Gold workshop. > :( WHY?!

But, I'm starting to start sneezing and having sudden blocked noses. And, oh please, everything I say is some nonsense. I swear everything that comes out of this mouth is pure crap. I am not thinking before I talk. Random thoughts form only to escape from my suddenly-quick tongue so very quickly.

It's like light-headedness and insanity. It's whatever I do feels unreal. You know? Like talking, running my hand through my hair, eating, etc etc etc. All of it feels floaty.

I don't know. I think, then, maybe Papa is right to not allow me to go for FD Gold. Aw man. :(

Please please please PLEASE PLEASE let me get well soon!! Oh Allah, semogaku dapat disembuh secepat mungkin.

I don't wanna miss out a minute more.


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