Thursday, July 8, 2010

230th post ;) Still going strong

In the evening, I saw a rainbow so breath-taking it made me forget that it was only a game played by light. It was a really lovely rainbow. The kind that is clear and obvious, not those faint now-you-see-it-now-you-don't kinds. The kind that seems bold and strong, never going to lighten a shade.

I could see the different colours of it. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue. I couldn't make out the indigo and violet, though. But I know those colours were there, somewhere. Still, it was a pretty rainbow and I had to force myself to look away to continue walking.

Opposite my house, there is a huge field. It is an uncomfortable field because it has holes in the ground and prickly lalang grows wild and freely. After the rain, it will always have deep muddy puddles. But it is a great place to fly kites. Sometimes, when the afternoons get real windy, I see many colourful kites soaring in the air.

Just now, I saw a kite too. It was flying high in the velvet blue sky. It was a funny kite, because it was in the shape of a yellow dog's face. And it's tongue was sticking out. It looked free, flying aroung the huge expanse, a small piece of the sky. But yet, it looked like a prisoner too. Because no matter how high it flies, it still is connected to that long piece of nylon string. And even if it broke free, it would eventually flutter down to the prickly lalang-filled fields, lifeless, never able to rise again.

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