Tuesday, July 6, 2010

As another side-note,

Today's LA Test was.... bad? Honestly, I did not study too much or anything. So I crapped throughout the whole of it. Just bullcrapped my way out. Har. Har. Har.

But LA lesson today was fun. :D I mean, the only thing we did was draw sketches of the 7 suitors based on Portia's views/stereotypes. And THEN I got back the CA2 results. It was actually kind of satisfying to see that I got an A2, missing A1 by 0.5 marks. TT BUT FC said that that's not the final mark, which would actually be higher. Meaning, I GET AN A1! YAY! Isn't that a great improvement from C5 for CA1? A low, A1, but still, an A1.


Also, during the LA lesson, I got reminded of the day again. And of course I get excited. :)

Anyhoo, it was a satisfactory average day.

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